
Gearbox working on “authentic” Brothers in Arms game

Gearbox is working on an “authentic” Brothers in Arms experience, according to the studios’ head honcho, Randy Pitchford. In a candid interview with IGN, Pitchford was honest enough to admit that deviating from the Brothers in Arms formula with Furious 4 wasn’t the best of ideas. Making it a standalone IP made a lot more sense, and that’s precisely what Gearbox did nearly a year ago. That being said and done, Gearbox is also working on a brand new Brothers in Arms game they’re not ready to officially reveal yet. But the fact that it exists in some form is enough for the hardcore fans I guess.


Pitchford didn’t mention any details regarding both those games, but chances are we may get a reveal (or in the case of Furious 4, a re-reveal) at this year’s E3. I only hope the furious backlash from Aliens: Colonial Marines doesn’t seal the fate of both these games.

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