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General Rules and Regulations:

  1. Avoid bad language and insults. Show a little respect for fellow members and their opinions.
  2. Comments that offend one's religion/race/caste are prohibited and will be dealt with severely.
  3. Read forum guidelines before posting and especially before starting new threads.
  4. No SMS language, please. Post in English.
  5. When posting game spoilers, please use spoiler or hide tags. Don't spoil it for those who are yet to play it.
  6. Do not use IndianVideoGamer to advertise your website, forum, business, etc. You are free to add a link to your site in your signature, but pimping your business on the forums or via personal messages is strictly prohibited.
  7. If you'd like to start a recruitment thread for your business, contact a Moderator for permission first.
  8. If you find that another member is breaking any rule, inform a Moderator or Administrator, rather than involving yourself directly.
  9. Do not post pornographic content or links to porn sites.
  10. Don't post offensive or violent videos from Youtube or any other site.
  11. Posting links to illegal downloads (warez, torrents, etc) is strictly prohibited.
  12. Discussions on PSN game sharing, direct or indirect, are against the rules.
  13. A moderator/administrator may lock/delete any thread if it is found to be against the rules or against IVG policies.
  14. Please do not post here using two accounts. Anyone found using multiple accounts will be banned permanently.
  15. Only one custom image is allowed in a member's signature. (animated gif images are not allowed)
  16. Political or religious content is not allowed in avatars/signature.


Discussions on modding piracy:

  • Discussions on modding - how to do it, where to do it - are not permitted.
  • Discussions on game piracy are strictly prohibited.
  • Anyone found encouraging or enabling modding or piracy will be banned.

Trading Post Rules:

  1. Any registered member can open a thread in Trading Post.
  2. All items for sale/trade must have picture of the item, their name and date. This includes replying to WTB threads with items. The pics have to be posted at the time of opening of the thread. Failure to do so will result in the thread being closed immediately. Repeat offenders will be banned.
  3. IndianVideoGamer is not liable for any trades or transactions. All trades are at sole risk of members.
  4. 5 negative feedbacks will lead to ban from Trading Post.
  5. Only one bump is allowed every two days. Violation will lead to thread being made invisible for a week. There will be NO warning. Only one bump in two days means that you can bump a thread after two days of inactivity. If the last post was on 2nd you can only bump the thread on or after 4th.
  6. Thread names cannot be changed. Please take this into consideration when opening threads.
  7. All threads must contain [WTB], [WTS], [FT], [FS], [WTT] in the title.
  8. Only following items can be traded in TP:
    Original games (physical media required)
    Original music and videos (physical media required)
    Software (physical media required)
    Original Video Game Console hardware and accessories (Modded hardware not allowed)
    Computer hardware and accessories
    XBL and PSN cards and any other digital content provided physical cards are available
    Trading of gaming merchandise(Like T shirts, keychains, action figures and similar stuff) is allowed.
  9. Sale of Promo/Review Copies is not allowed on Trading Post.
  10. Strictly no trolling on TP. No posting 'good price', 'amazing thread' etc. DO NOT post unless you want to buy the item in question, Repeat offenders will be suspended for a week and later banned.
  11. No Differential pricing. A member cannot set two different prices for members. One price for all members
  12. We discourage the sale of new and sealed games as it would encourage businesses from entering a purely community space. Moderators will decide if the sale of a sealed item is to be allowed
  13. Businesses are not permitted to use the Trading Post or any other part of IVG to sell their products/services or promote their business


Re 1 Auctions:

  1. Members are allowed to initiate auctions in the Trading Post provided bidding starts at Re. 1
  2. Minimum bid increment set by seller cannot be more than Rs 50
  3. Sellers are not allowed to maintain a reserve price
  4. Any disputes arising out of Re. 1 auctions will be settled by IVG Moderators


Note: The above rules may be changed if and when found necessary

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