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About hussain

  • Birthday 09/26/1992

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    God of War Plat hunt

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  1. Hello friends, Im a stnadup cmic, whos been on these forums for YEARS. Check out some of my work, I promise its funny! :p
  2. I got a used steam deck like 2 days ago.... and now FLipkart/Amazon has Rog Ally for a damn good price. Should I sell the Deck and get the ROG? I STILL play a lot of fifa... that being easier is the draw for me. I dont care about the screen and all that. Steam Deck is DAAAAAMN good though. Price wise they are the same for me so it doesnt matter. I will mostly be playing switch games and some PC games. The standby feature on Steam deck is perfect. I play for 5 minutes put it down and pick it back up. Im reading thats not possible on the ROG is that true? Also battery life?
  3. Whats the cheapest way to get the 15. Like during the festive season does Amazon or Flipkart give a big discount on them?
  4. A sign of getting old is, I have struggled to start a single match or campaign in the last 2 call of duties I tried downloading and playing. I literally could not start the game.
  5. Registering! Name: Mohammed Hussain B. origin ID: Whosane3450 C. Team: Liverpool
  6. Damn 1080p 60 requires a 3060!?
  7. what was your favourite or most memorable moment from the game? For me it was the moment when Atreus comes back and Kratos goes "What name do I call you" Goddam broke me man.
  8. Is there a spoiler forum ? I want to discuss SO MUCH. This game is maaaaad
  9. Played Sanwal Won 11-3 Played Vaibhav Won 3-2 and 3-1.
  10. A. Name: Mohammed Hussain B. PSN ID: whosane3450 C. Team: Aston villa or Crystal Palace.
  11. Theres no preorder t shirt anymore right? I miss those days... What's the best place to pre order?
  12. I REALLY dont want kratos to die, I want more god of war.
  13. Does anyone know a good market / seller for used bikes? I want to purchase a continental GT.
  14. hussain

    Elden Ring

    I tried that, but the spells do so littel damage, no matter how I scale. I have the scepter the second boss uses at +6 it still does low damage with my spells. Enemies I can kill with 2 regular hits of moonviel
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