I dont think one can earn points from credit card bill payment. Cred is meh these days, but even pennies are good is what I feel. You can still get the most from cred, by splitting the payments. That way you get more from cred for the payment. I have been a life long user of citi and hdfc. Infinia was my goal. I had regalia for years. I used most of my spends on the hdfc card. Citi just small spends. And amazon I had icici card for amazon. Which I used to swap btw regalia and icici depending on the offer. I believe you have the entry level click and go or something like that card from sbi. I would recommend you to move to Amex once RBI gives clearance for them to issue cards. That sbi card I dont think is a good one. You can get better rewards on those axis card. Which offer decent rewards than sbi. For premium card choose hdfc and amex and work on moving up the cards with them than any other would be my say. No one can beat amex for the customer service is what people say. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk