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Madmage last won the day on November 9 2013

Madmage had the most liked content!

About Madmage

  • Birthday 08/08/1983

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  • PSN ID
    darahu83 psn india

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. Whatsapp groups have basically killed a lot of chatter which used to keep forums buzzing
  2. Hey man, how you doing.. nice to see you achieved what u planned to. I remember all your posts in the motorsports, car thread etc. !!
  3. Visa and mc can go as low as 1.2 percent too..amex are too anal.about their margins
  4. 3 percent is a lot when you just have to pay for payment processing.
  5. Amex takes 3 percent and abovec which is ridiculous for chemist and low margin retail
  6. Advice for those planning to play this with their son/daughters. Dont. A. They keep begging you to start the next session of games. B. They get surprisingly aggresive and angry when you don't make a jump or do some co op part. Role reversal here at home as my daughter yells at me and i sulk.
  7. Thanks for the headup man..will try malazan
  8. Itching to start a new series, maybe will start malazan.. and is godblind completed?
  9. What a see saw with the rt pcr reports for entering mumbai.
  10. Black company is awesome. Great world building and characters
  11. Outstanding game. A great SP in a long time. Great story , fun combat and amazing banter
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