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  • Birthday 05/19/1987

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  1. That’s where PSSR & 4x Hardware RT will kick in. Newer games will most certainly be 1080p on Base PS5 & 1440p on PS5pro. So if GTA6 runs at Native 1080p & PSSR turns it into 1440p then achieving 47+ fps on PS5pro might just be possible. Cerny knows that Performance VRR mode is the key here & he definitely had that in mind while emphasising the new setup. He knows that GTA6 at Performance VRR will move the most Pro units & the guy isn’t someone who should be taken lightly. We ought to know that by now
  2. TLOU2,SpiderMan 2,Ratchet,GT7 were mentioned to be running in Quality Performance mode. They are native 4K in Quality.
  3. From Mark Cerny’s own mouth. He clearly said that the emphasis will be on performance at pristine resolution. If Spider-Man 2 can run at Native 4k at locked 60fps with RT then I don’t really have a reason to believe that GTA6 won’t be able to do 47+ fps(VRR range) at ~1440p without any RT.
  4. Rat’s a*s….. PS5pro is running games like R&C,GT7,FF16,SM2,FF72,Dragon’s Dogma etc at full Native 4K with locked 60fps & some of them with RT enabled. Thinking it won’t run GTA6 at 1440p(most likely resolution for Base PS5) at stable in range VRR ~60fps is really pessimistic thought now.
  5. That’s the biggest driving force for these consoles. GTA6 just won’t pull off 60fps on current consoles…..this will be a big X factor this time around which wasn’t present during PS4pro tenure.
  6. If Nintendo doesn’t try to enter High End Console market again….it’s a complete Sony monopoly until things finally (as & when) go up in the cloud. I completely blame M$ & TeamXbox for being super greedy & treacherous during XBone planning.
  7. Yes. This game isn’t really a Killerapp campaign game….designed with Co-op in mind just like Helldivers.
  8. Yep PS360-PS4 era were just on another level. It’s got little to do with the industry but more to do with expectations & interests of Gamers that has led to the current state of gaming. The traditional gamer’s expectations increased to the point that development cycle became a crunch while the new generation of gamers don’t really think beyond F2P or Yearly GaaS games.
  9. It’s short but best played in Co-op + there is separate PvE Co-op which is endless grind just like Helldivers 2. PvP is decent too but nothing like Gears,Uncharted & let alone TLOU Factions.
  10. https://discord.gg/spacemarine2 It’s pretty easy to find soldiers to squad up. No need to play solo. Completed 3 chapters all with full squad. Also played lot of MP….pretty weird we have class limit. But also good in a way too keep it balanced. Just executed the boss of chapter 3 myself & the that animation Gears of Warhammer
  11. Bhai usko chhod….mere saath aake khel
  12. Yep that’s true & I explained it. When PS5 launched new it shared its library with PS4/Pro & now it will share it with PS5pro which is the new one. Buying a new console thinking it’s going to get games available nowhere else is a thing of the past. Now buying new system means you are getting the most pristine experience. Nothing else.
  13. You didn’t really get what I said. Games that were on PS4 ended up on PS4pro & PS5. Games that are on PS5 will end up on PS5pro & PS6. & this trend will continue henceforth…. Every new console that comes out will always have games shared with another system for a few years & then a new system will be ready to share newer games with it. The Era of solely one platform exclusive died with PS3.
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