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AnK last won the day on November 12 2024

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About AnK

  • Birthday 05/19/1987

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  1. Most Likely Sekiro 2. BloodBorne 2 will only greenlit now that Sony is on the board of Kadokawa. Will take years if at all….
  2. That’s too much wishful thinking. Even SteamD can’t play all games compatible with PS5. SeriesS is already holding SeriesX back. A $400 handheld certainly won’t be able to run games with PS5 in mind. That’s why I dread & don’t want this new Switch to be the lowest common denominator….already the hasty decision by M$ to sign a 10 year deal might have just held back COD for eternity!!
  3. BluPoint can’t make Bloodborne 2. Only remake 1. Yoshida already hinted on his way out that Miyazaki doesn’t want anyone else touching the Bloodborne IP for a sequel.
  4. Problem is not GaaS or experimenting things!! Even FromSoftware which already had extensive Multiplayer component experience is shifting gear towards Full GaaS world. So Is Remedy. Problem is wasting talent like Bluepoint & Bend which have next to no multiplayer knowledge & have crafted/recreated some of the best SP experiences!! Wasting their time on GaaS when they clearly could have created something fruitful is just blasphemous!!
  5. He is not wrong though… Considering the Ergonomics of SteamD & ROG Ally the Switch 2 has done snitch upgradation!! So is the price point for modern consoles considering the specs they are offering & the comparative fidelity if want something comparable on PC!! Point is that all are expensive considering their past generation price points.
  6. Truly mind bogglingly idiotic if true. Wasting Bluepoint on a GaaS!! We could have seen Bloodborne Remake instead!!
  7. I know it’ll be a hit. I’m just pointing it out for ppl who think Sony is over pricing hardware because M$ is exiting proprietary hardware’s business. Nintendo Sony Valve Asus Lenovo & Soon M$ with it’s OEM. All are struggling to keep prices low in the current market scenario.
  8. $400 PS5 Disc Edition is the same at discount months. PS5 digital is $350 with bundles.
  9. Not liking the game in personal capacity is one thing but saying it was a bad backfire is totally idiotic!! Even my brother who was a huge GoW trilogy fan but didnt like the 2018 onwards Norse Reboot. It’s just personal prerogative!! But saying it failed is another level of lunacy
  10. Holy f**k!!! Kuchh aur he mang leta Kaale Kaue 🐦‍⬛!!! Now I’ll be playing it ASAP!!
  11. Don’t need to play to prove that nothing backfired bad & it was more successful than any other GoW in history. Infact any other HnS in history. It sold more copies on PS5 & 4 than Elden Ring did on same platforms….also came >.< this close to winning GOTY.
  12. AnK

    Doom (2016)

    Helmets are same…
  13. Backfired in what sense?! It’s 94 on meta & Sold 15 million in year 1. Probably 25 by now!! What sort of “Backfire” is this?!? All I see is fire lit in the backside of some!! Individuals may or may not like it in particular but saying it was a “bad backfire” when it was a huge success no less than the first part is quite weird!!
  14. They Should just release Gears Collection on PS5 & announce Gears E-Day for PS. That’s all I care about from M$ Gaming.
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