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  1. MPDSLERETAIL No video because as per reviews other than disk problem no one mentioned other incident so i feel it safe and flipkart deliver it in original ps5 box without any cardboard box so i checked sealed on upper side and then give otp but after few hours as soon as i become free i checked whole box and found then there is sony seal on lower of box also which is slightly torn
  2. Got ps5 disk variant from flipkart 4 days back and both controller and hdmi cable is missing but they approved replacement but didn't deliver it from last 2 days don't know why but i have raised complaint hope i got my replacement asap
  3. Ok i am interested how to proceed please explain new to this kind of stuff please guide
  4. Recently purchased 3 years gamepass ultimate can i share with other persons and bifercate the cost is it possible to share?
  5. Intersted but price is 365/5=73 why your price is 91.5
  6. Just purchase metro exodus gold edition for ps5 for 750 good deal
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