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Banz last won the day on April 29 2020

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About Banz

  • Birthday 07/26/1992

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    Formula One

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    Mario + Rabbids

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  1. Going to Andaman on LTC tomorrow. Will be staying at Havelock island, with a 1 day stay at Port Blair.
  2. Gautam should be the first one to be shown the door in that case. We've gone from hopes of a competent showing in Australia to struggling against a far weaker team at home.
  3. Every single home loss since 2012 (except for Bangalore last week) has been on a similar dustbowl. We didn't learn from Pune 2017.
  4. What lund cricket. Why choose to bat in these conditions? What even is this batting line up? Why is Virat coming 1 down when former opener KLPD Rahul is at 6?
  5. Congratulations Pakistan. If there was an award for dedication to being sh*t at home, you'd be 1st.
  6. Imagine scoring 550+ in 1st innings and losing by an innings.
  7. Only IPO I ever got was LIC.
  8. I have already been to Jammu and Kashmir last year, so not planning for that right now, maybe next year. Sikkim sounds good. I was considering Meghalaya at first. Does Sikkim require ILP? If so how to get it? What about Andaman?
  9. Looking to avail LTC later this year to either J&K, North East or Andaman. Any suggestions? Best times to visit?
  10. Wife offered an upgrade from HDFC Moneyback+ to Millenia. Worth it?
  11. Looking for a phone for wife in the Rs 15000-25000 range. Is the One Plus Nord CE4 good?
  12. Aus vs WI match is also such a nice watch. 60-5 before lunch Day 1 and they have somehow dragged it to the the 2nd day and still batting.
  13. Joined just now. Was away for a few days, didn't realise the IVG League hadn't auto-renewed.
  14. They lost because of their own hubris. Declaring too early in the first Test, declaring too late in this Test.
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