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    Spiderman 2

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  1. Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Open world Greece is eyecandy and fun. Very "influenced" by witcher.
  2. Requesting staff for TLOU 2. Let me know if Bloodborne GOTY is required in Library.
  3. Got demo with few sample videos yesterday. I'm amazed. Regarding performance I'm asking about HDR Gaming performance. Although they have raised price by 4k so I'm holding right now.
  4. Thanks for detailed information. How is the gaming performance? (I am mostly into Single player games so 60Hz is fine for me) Had a talk with Hisense customer care and they told if you buy it from croma you can avail 3 years warranty.
  5. Agreed. Will hit the store tomorrow. I have to pick my poison anyway.
  6. I have indeed visited stores and planning to do more research. point of the post is if there are any existing users here maybe they can shed some light on their experience regarding performance, issues, after sales support etc.
  7. Guys in a dilemma. Hisense U6G (53k) or Samasung QN90A 50 inch (80k)? Durability is my priority. Hisense is providing 3 years warranty. Havent got demo or info on Samsung. What should I do?
  8. Am I eligible for the library program? Just recently got a PS5. Also willing to donate Horizon Zero Dawn.
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