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About Jerush

  • Birthday 11/23/1986

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    Chennai, India

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  1. Jerush

    TopSpin 2K25

    bought the pc version Feels like the game is barebones, not worthy of the price. Played a few exhibition matches. Gameplay is awesome as usual in top spin games. But, even exhibhition matches are boring with the limited roster. Career will be a slog Will repurchase on a sale after they add more players
  2. Jerush

    TopSpin 2K25

    Isn't cosmetics and in-game money the only difference between the versions? Career mode looks same as TS4 from the few vids I've seen so far, not much improvement, Much like what Konami does with PES. Want to buy the PC version, but worried since people are saying the pc is same as PS4 version with no cloth physics. And PS5 version is too costly, not worth it
  3. Jerush

    Elden Ring

    The enemy variety Bosses look gorgeous. Day 1
  4. I bought Code Vein & KCD 1 month before it was free.. I've noticed they usually have a deep sale before something goes free. Haven't bought anything since then
  5. Jerush

    Lies of P

    Not enjoying this at all. Controls feel weird. Level feels unbalanced. Reached the first boss without getting hit even once, and then died thrice to him without even making much of an impact on him. Boss feels cheap abusing the infamous souls technique - delayed attacks.
  6. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/xcom-and-civilization-developer-firaxis-games-hit-with-layoffs/1100-6514697/?ftag=CAD-01-10abi2f&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  7. Konami isn't bluepoint. Bluepoint hasn't made a bad remake yet. MG Survive was sh*t. Cutscenes can't be remade one to one. It will involve a lot more animations since PS2 had its limitations. It's like remaking an old 90s movie with current technology. One on one remake will be lacklustre. You need a good director with proper vision. This is especially true for Kojima, since he puts a lot of attention to detail in his cutscenes, the stuff that others won't even bother about
  8. So, this wouldn't involve Kojima in any way right? Setting low expectations for this in both screenplay and gameplay
  9. Back in stock at Shopatsc... Finally ordered it after trying for a year ?
  10. Don't wanna pay 4.5 k for a digital code. I'd rather wait. But how do you see it available on Amazon. Search results are empty for me. Where do I get the links?
  11. I went out of stoc in couple of minutes as usual. The Add to Cart buttons are just for show
  12. Jerush

    Elden Ring

    Coop is still active on ps. Takes a minute or two to get summoned though. The summoning pools work faster than summon signs. And, most of them are playing with proper builds these days. Coop will make fights a bit easy
  13. Demo available on ps and Xbox.. Game has extreme framerate drops on ps4. There's visible heavy stutters on almost every shot you play, messes with your timing. Gameplay is pretty good though, slightly different and tougher than existing tennis games
  14. Jerush


    Nah.. there's a lot of people still waiting for ML. After trying out Fifa 22 last month, I'm even more eager to buy PES ML whenever it launches
  15. Jerush


    https://www.ign.com/articles/efootball-will-not-get-master-league-mode-until-2023-will-be-paid-dlc?amp=1 No master league till 2023. ?? They completely ignore the only game mode that made them famous in the first place.
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