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  1. They rejected my disks as well for non-existent "scratches". Then, they sent me overwatch "with" scratches and refused to refund, which they did after lot of arguments and at least a 15 days wait. They were very good 2-3 years back. Now, they have become very poor in every possible way.
  2. Banning makes no sense for a "struggling" forum like IVG. The mods or other members could just ignore the "offending" member. These guys mentioned in above posts were longtime members. Banning only makes sense for new members.
  3. Haha. It was 10 lakh till last year. Sony priced theirs for 6 then lg reduced the price. I expect that this (3) would the price 2 years from now.
  4. OK. TES6 will not be on PS. I don't think they will remove existing games but not bring new games.
  5. Has it been announced? If not, I don't think so.
  6. If it really lasts for 5 seconds and not 0 seconds, most likely your battery is gone. Try replacing the battery first and if it doesn't help you can upgrade to a 2.5 kVA inverter where you would require 2 batteries. So, buy another battery of the same type when you upgrade your inverter.
  7. Spoke too soon. Visa cancelled by the minister on Friday 5 pm (the time of closing of courts which stay closed until Monday morning).
  8. Gameloot has really gone downhill. I also had a similar experience. I won't deal with them again.
  9. Disable Dolby digital in audio settings. Change it to PCM in audio settings of the set top box. Then, the volume control will work. It will work even without this change on SD channels. Dolby digital does not have the facility of volume control. It has to be done by the audio processor. In this case, it is done by the TV. Although, I recommend you to program your Tata sky remote to control the TV volume (and keep DD on STB) as the sound quality on DD vs PCM is night and day.
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