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Vamos last won the day on September 18

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About Vamos

  • Birthday July 1

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    Mountain Knot City

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  1. Nope. You can upgrade your holster to get extra weapon slots as your play through, but no way to upgrade the slots for bricks and bottles
  2. Yeah, it’s a slow burn. It’s not something you would want to binge watch. I suggest a much slower pace, like 2-3 eps per week.
  3. Rafa to retire at the end of the year. Davis Cup will be his final tournament.
  4. Thought it was an old April fools video at first. Clock announcement
  5. It’s a fantastic show. All 4 seasons are amazing, the 4th season is where it peaks.
  6. Vamos

    Silent Hill 2

    Will play this on the Pro
  7. I bet if Kill Bill had a male lead, this satire discussion wouldn’t even have started. It’s being seen indifferently just coz of the female lead. And Uma was an absolute badass in the movie. The behind the scenes features offer a great insight into how demanding her role was.
  8. Nah man… Satirical movies are a different genre and to imply that Kill Bill is a satire totally undermines the very thing the movie is about. The definition of satire has nothing to do with the genre in Hollywood. Examples of satirical movies would be Robocop, Tropic thunder, Johnny English, etc.
  9. Did I just read Kill Bill is a satirical movie? It’s a classic western, revenge with a fresh take. Tarantino movies are very far from being satires. There’s a mix of comedy with action, that doesn’t necessarily make it satire.
  10. They got community noted
  11. Yup. I guess it was a clearance sale. Even cheaper than U.S price.
  12. They did it last time it went down for an unexpectedly long time.
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