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  1. I recently got a UQ7500 (2022) lg tv. I got a non magic remote for it. The guys who came to install for not interested in selling me one. Where can i buy one and at what price?
  2. C1 was available at Croma in Delhi for 108k. Can share sales guy's number but not sure what he could do for pune. This quote was from last month.
  3. I think that is a different tangent. Regarding argument of scalpers, They buy it to sell at a profit. Inventory with them/In transit shouldn't be more than 15 days. Simply put, premium they could earn decays on holding. They have no incentive to hold and all the more incentive to sell. Also they do not properly disclose their data source. Could be a bit off. You might want to take these numbers with a pinch of salt. Original video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKgtpVTh-B0&ab_channel=GamesIndustry.biz. Longer term digital is ~70%. Possibly due to convenience in buying cheaper games during sales. Right now not a lot of ps5 games exist and they are definitely not discounted except maybe 1 or 2 recent release. What you are saying will increase the disc vs digital divide and is correct but I still feel a lot of this is coming from forced bundling. Have no way to quantify it though. Amazon has a 5% off. A 10% sale mostly comes once or twice a month which is 14.5%. I can also DM a guy's number. Have bought vouchers a few times at 15% from him but I prefer Amazon/Tatacliq If I can get the same 15%
  4. Wondering how these numbers will look like once Sony stops mandatory bundling which it does right now due to shortage.
  5. Appears to be a nice game. Probably concept is slightly different for a lot of players. A price cut can get more players to try it and thus more revenue.
  6. Still noticeably PS5 performance if not worse is on par with XSX. Maybe future games turn out different but see no indication from devs or either MS that this will be the case.
  7. If someone bough XSX last year for ~50K along with GP for say ~3.5K with game share. I am pretty sure that person will be satisfied. Used xbox will be selling close to mrp. Don't think any early XSX adopter will be unhappy whatever he/she chooses to do
  8. Any indication of which retailer will have the series X Halo ed and time of sale + links if possible
  9. A friend got it through one of such big offline retailers around June in a 65k bundle
  10. heard the same from another retailer I used to buy stuff from pre covid but no one is taking prebooking since they haven't been confirmed the allocation and MS might not launch after all.
  11. Not enough sales here for MS to do that. You can try selling your One X on TP. Should be able to get 17-18 maybe. Combine it with bank offers and you can buy yourself a Series X for ~30k.
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