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  1. They didn't improve the graphics because it was planned as a PS4 game. Also, the Atreus section wasn't done that way to increase the length lol. It was to make the players get attached to the character which obviously backfired.
  2. Tf. I have to watch that shitty movie to fully understand the ending of this game?
  3. I don't know if it was rushed. Maybe it feels like that because they combined the second and third game in the planned trilogy into one.
  4. Hope they don't remove the sex scenes if they do.
  5. You could have lowered the difficulty to the lowest one and rushed through the main story, I suppose.
  6. It's not as tedious as it sounds. Only around 6 hours long. And you'd be surprised by all the stuff they've packed in the DLC, especially if you're a long time fan of the franchise.
  7. You should be mad at Cory Barlog really. He had a vision for the Norse Saga and was responsible for the first game being so good. But then he bailed because his wife almost left him with his kid, and he basically gave up on the Norse games. He was also the one who begged Eric Williams to direct the second game. In a way, he betrayed the players after promising so much in the first game, but you can't really blame him either for choosing to save his marriage over directing another God of War game.
  8. A myth apparently. Rocksteady always wanted to go that route.
  9. Kumar123

    Doom: Dark Ages

    Tf. I had no idea this existed.
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