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Everything posted by Vaibhavp

  1. This is best 7/10 i have ever played. I am starting to think if I like it more than Skyrim.
  2. Vaibhavp


    Nope. Even more useless activity is planet scanning. I have played game for 10 hrs. And have done only that. Game is very chill if you don't do quests. Great music / graphics along with mindless activity. Enjoying doing that.
  3. Great, will make outpost on that planet. Will start looting some interesting items to decorate it.
  4. Vaibhavp


    Yeah, everything is persistent in game. That's how you can make a collection of sandwiches. I remember in Skirim, NPCs had a set routine. You could pick pocket one, and put a time bomb there. When he would go to meet someone at set time, both would die. You can do some crazy stuff.
  5. SE has deduced that. Of course they didn't say they will never make it. But is highly unlikely. Bigger issue is if the game is fun or not. DMC games are fun and a lot of interesting things they can do with that.
  6. In countries like Singapore, gold conversion isn't as lucrative. You get 3 month package and is quite expensive. You have to use VPN to get it for cheap. India is exception where deal is too good to pass up.
  7. Turn based won't be made. They should just use this system and add a layer of strategy to qualify for an rpg. And make it fun and challenging.
  8. Vaibhavp


    VATS take away your ability to shoot and determines your damage based on dice roll. It's effectively a turn based game system in FPS rpg. No game has that, that I have played. I have played most of those you listed.
  9. Vaibhavp


    They slow down time. Don't stop it like VATS. If you want to slow down time, there could be something in skill tree, i will check.
  10. Vaibhavp


    Really? Every rpg out there has VATS system or something similar? I had no idea.
  11. Vaibhavp


    Just killed an enemy 8 levels above me yesterday. I was lvl 4, he was 12. Didn't feel overly spongy. You just need to stay out of their gun fire. But if course if level is full of those it would be extremely hard. If you want to kill enemies 8 level above you, you can't be a noob. Games don't work that way.
  12. Vaibhavp


    It has all the trappings of an RPG. Much more than Fallout 4. Stealth kills, turn enemies against one another etc. VATS system was a necessity in Fallout 3, here combat is fun without it as well.
  13. Vaibhavp


    Amazing. This is not how I wanna role play so won't take it, but it will likely make most encounters easier.
  14. Nah, everyone is prepared for bull sh*t reviews that will come from those who didn't receive the codes. So you haven't played a Bethesda game ever?
  15. Vaibhavp


    Currently am just roaming around in cold, desolate planets, Mars, moon etc. Jumping, climbing, taking in the scenery while minimalistic music plays. Feels extremely chill.
  16. We need more game developers on this forum. Even if they are ponies.
  17. But seriously, gamepass has a very nice feature thats underrated. You don't own the game. You are not compelled to finish it. Can just easily move on. It won't forever be stuck in your library reminding you need to finish it. But yeah. I buy games that I truly enjoy. Game inspired by reality. Ofcourse it cannot be completely real. It won't be fun.
  18. No need for any of that. Game is on gamepass. One can make a call easily by themselves. Again, too early to make a call on this for me. But it's looking promising. So far I am just roaming around in our solar system, scanning planets, doing menial tasks. So calm and relaxing, with that music. I am just on second quest of the game. Very cool to land on our moon, Venus, Mars etc. And a good amount of environmental story telling is present. Taking the game very slowly for now. So we are at that stage where everyone is sucking to Larian I see. Like how it used to be with CD Project before Cyberpunk debacle. Genre defining in what sense exactly?
  19. Vaibhavp


    It's a video game. They explain the tech invented to make it possible.
  20. Vaibhavp


    Am on Venus right now. Doesn't look like this due to time of day. Tempted to wait. Yes. Why is this a surprise?
  21. Vaibhavp


    Physics system is very cool in this game. Can't wait to see what havoc player causes in populated cities. That was best part about Skyrim IMO.
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