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Everything posted by Vaibhavp

  1. Vaibhavp


    Some build inspiration if you follow guilde for these.
  2. Time to upgrade to X. You have overgrown these graphics.
  3. You have serious comprehension issues if you think that's what I said. This is side effect of having multiple languages in our country. People don't understand either. You might be ok with being lied to. I am not. I spend 1000s of Rs based reviews and videos that I watch for buying a game. Defending clear misinformation by calling it a different opinion is bullshit. I don't even have an opinion on the game yet.
  4. No diversion. Talking about this stuff makes me nauseous. So don't discuss what toxic fanboys are doing. Goes without saying, nobody should be harassed online. You refuse the facts presented. I rest my case. No point in discussing further.
  5. Actual quote from GameSpot review: "Game is mile wide, but inch deep" Systems that are actually present in the game: -outpost building that generates income for you. - ship building that gives you various boons. Extra inventory, weapons etc -factions system with interwoven storyline -fully organic character progression. Most flexible in industry. -simulation level NPC AI that responds to whole host of situations. -Weapon crafting system. There would be more, I will uncover after playing. These many I came across by reading about the game. Yeah, objectively false info is being spread. This game is made to be played for years.
  6. Inaccurate review scores are way worse than no review scores. This is when Alanah is non stop criticising the game. Even brought in a couple of journalists who gave it 10/10 to interrogate and harass.
  7. I plan to play on xbox, but will wait for directors cut, or whatever they end up calling it. Fully patched and rebalanced.
  8. I have no idea who is harassing them. As I said, their reviews i don't rely on like I used to. They gave Pentiment (xbox game) 10/10, but i don't care really. I played it and liked it enough. That's all.
  9. No idea about Days Gone. But if a review outlet gives a game 6/10, that I consider to be a 10/10 masterpiece, i definitely won't look at their reviews the same.
  10. While they did Prey dirty, i still think you can have some idea of how the game is from their reviews. But they made some wild claims in review for this game, that you can refute easily.
  11. It's on gamepass so people will play and decide for themselves how good it is.
  12. It's about priorities. But yes, Bethesda characters are hilarious. Even more so when you play it.
  13. Vaibhavp


    Of course. I played Skyrim, Witcher 3 back to back in preperation for this game. Also read The Martian (Andy Weir). I am ready.
  14. Vaibhavp


    As I said, that storm looks realistic. Game can handle it. They had fantastical storms in Fallout 4 that looked like what people are hoping for.
  15. You seem to be looking for an excuse to get a Switch lite / or a used Series S.
  16. Yeah, play time is not proper metric. I should've used term engagement.
  17. Not necessarily different genres. Reason people don't play them as much is simple: you can't. Most of their budget goes in polishing visuals, animations, lip syncing etc. Playing it gets jarring after a while and people just rush to the finish line. Bethesda games, you must have seen how bad all that stuff is. How much they prioritise it. They do put effort in areas that increase longevity of the game. Of course you can prefer one thing or the other. Just pointing it out.
  18. You can also add total playtime of all those games and Starfield will still come out on top in a few months. Much more important metric IMO.
  19. Vaibhavp


    Depends on amount of dust. This is on constructed area so there wouldn't be much. This is how it will look.
  20. Vaibhavp


    I would love to play a game where your main goal would be just finding your objectives. Something like survival games but made by Bethesda.
  21. Vaibhavp


    No mini map is fine. No campass markers will be amazing. (a la Morrowind). But I suspect Bethesda doesn't have balls to do it.
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