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Everything posted by Vaibhavp

  1. Original looks superior. Expressions are far more obvious. This is what I don't like about remakes. Very few studios put equal amount of effort as they put in original. Almost always fall short of evoking same awe and wonder as original. They are always treated as stop gap projects if done internally.
  2. Vaibhavp


    Review scores will likely be overinflated. Bethesda is old studio and gets pass for a lot of things like Mario/Zelda games. If you liked Fallout 4 then you will probably enjoy it.
  3. Vaibhavp


    Expecting Bethesda to make Bethesda type games isn't low expectations. Funny you mention side scrollers, this is most ambitious game i have seen till date.
  4. Vaibhavp


    Graphics in Skyrim weren't that cutting edge. It released at tail end of ps360 generation. Linear games like Uncharted 2, God of War 3 etc looked way better. For Oblivion, yes, it was xbox 360 showcase till Gears of War came out. Innovative weapons, yea I agree. Gameplay isn't anything special but it's serviceable. Excessive material gathering is required only if you want to get into base building/ship building, i expect just like Fallout 4. Never did any of it in that game. At the end of the day it has all stuff that make Bethesda games unique to play. It will have landmarks visible from afar, you can explore without using a map every step of the way. Will have chill music and gameplay and you can loose hours doing quests, exploring and interacting with NPCs. Best part is scenery will change drastically with planets. That's all I want from this game. Definitely don't want most cutting edge graphics cause they always come at a price.
  5. Vaibhavp


    This game looks as ambitious as Morrowind or Oblivion if not more. Where exactly have we played a game like this before? Am pretty sure there will be compelling quest lines here as well.
  6. I am 100% digital. I get to buy stuff cheap. No problem in that.
  7. This will be a problem if they stop selling games. Will happen only if industry gets completely consolidated and every developer belongs to one or the other subscription service. Not gonna happen.
  8. Vaibhavp

    Resident Evil 4

    RE1 HD is old school so it has learning curve. It will also offer that satisfaction of learning and beating the game. I have had my fill of retro games for some time but there is some merit in playing them.
  9. Vaibhavp


    They are not surprised. Just trying to hold anything against it. Even usual stuff.
  10. My new approach is to play fewer games but spend proper time in them. Skip a ton of them that you don't absolutely enjoy. Else I used to chase just rolling credit one game after other. Got really burnt out after that.
  11. Was limited to games releasing in next 12 months.
  12. Frame rate more stable on Series S due to lower settings.
  13. Yeah, with Sony games i get a feeling they want me to finish their game quickly so i can move onto a new one. With xbox i wanna play their games longer. That's how I feel anyways.
  14. Vaibhavp

    Diablo IV

    Diablo 3 plays way better on controller. There is play for free weekend going on so tried it. You can move back, evade, strategise how to tackle mobs. On PC I mostly just click click click.
  15. Vaibhavp


    Everyone was overhyped for this apparently. That's why not pleased. Even though this is gonna be something that's never been done before, PPL are not happy. And no, No Mans Sky is not same. That one is window dressing. This one is real deal. Full featured RPG.
  16. Vaibhavp


    Ya I noticed that. It's perhaps a single player game primarily. But you can add friends to help with combat. They will get bored while I am reading the lore though. Read everything I could find in Dishonoured 2.
  17. Game has 1000+ planets. Am sure some are vibrant and have rainbows. They even showed some colorful planets.
  18. Are we watching different streams? Maybe watch a higher quality post conference stream.
  19. Vaibhavp


    Great insight in their thought process.
  20. Vaibhavp


    Unreal this sort of game will be gamepass day 1.
  21. Looks similar to Vermintide 2 which I heard is pretty good. Also COOP which is ++.
  22. Starfield has 1000 planets. Each planet size of a Sony exclusive. They will have to make 1000 games to be competitive with Starfield.
  23. Vaibhavp


    Downplaying is getting hilarious. So I take it you don't like movie Interstellar. That's the sort of vibes i am getting.
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