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R a g h u

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R a g h u last won the day on November 28 2022

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About R a g h u

  • Birthday 05/22/1985

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    MW3 MP

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  1. If you get to understand how to get the emulators and roms, please let me know.
  2. Unlocking camos is such a grind.
  3. I shifted to my Indian PSN ID. Will add you.
  4. I played couple of matches with XRK Stalker base. That thing scopes in super fast compared to KATT. Will max it tomorrow if I get time. The nostalgia of these maps. I wonder where all the guys we played in mw2 2009 are. I kept saving clips of my noob quick scopes. Will share if I get better. 100% worth that 5.5k for someone like me who tried playing MW2 on Xbox OneX( that lag was horrible though).
  5. Battle pass is needed for some weapons and Blackcell for some operators. What ARs and Submachine guns are good? I have only used KATT AMR till now. Almost near to unlocking XRK Stalker.
  6. Okay. Got the game last week. Played for 2 hours. Only with that first sniper. I was eyeing my favourite Intervention and it needs level 55 and the battle pass dropped with some new sniper rifle. Are the guns free or do I need to buy the BP?
  7. Haven’t played CoD MP in a long time. Wanted to know if this is worth buying.
  8. MW2 MP is my favourite till date. All that quick scoping with Intervention How is sniping in this one?
  9. If there is a second innings. Kohli is so predictable now. He as become another Ganguly.
  10. I will buy this game even if its on Game Pass.
  11. Don’t know why anyone who bought it are not sharing any reviews here.
  12. Is the PSVR2 worth buying? I have never tried a VR headset till now (not even in the malls).
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