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nitinveer last won the day on August 21 2023

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About nitinveer

  • Birthday December 26

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    Uncharted 4

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  1. This is correct however the batting has been poor as well. No way the pitch was 180 all out pitch.
  2. What an innings by Jaiswal! The discipline he showed at the beginning of the innings was great to see. Pitch is slowly starting to misbehave in the last hour and looks like Indian middle order again trying to throw away the advantage. Hopefully they bat sensibly and grind Australian bowling attack down.This is 5 test series and Australian bowlers will be jaded (physically and mentally). Hopefully we can reach 500+
  3. Where is the option to upgrade in PSN? I have the disk version of the game.
  4. I hope Indian batters fight tomorrow and this test turns out to be something special even if we don't win the match eventually. Even though pitch looks flat now, it will start playing tricks tomorrow evening.
  5. I expected middle order including Kohli to throw the towel after first two wickets but this approach is refreshing to see! Even NZ was stunned in the last one hour! If not for Kohli's wicket last ball, NZ would be wondering what may happen tomorrow.
  6. I agree. Also the way ball started spinning towards the end of the day, three spinners decision was also justified. But batting order was truly messed up and they lost both the plot and patience while batting.
  7. Disappointed with women's team performance. Seems like they are not able to handle pressure all that well. Constant failures at critical juncture and not utilizing available skills at right time. Mazomdar is bad choice for coach and even Kaur is not a good captain.
  8. Can still consider this as highest T20I score by the test playing nation.
  9. Except Rohit's wicket and Jaiswal to some extent, every other wicket was thrown away. Kohli is almost in retirement phase but yet to fix the issue plaguing him from last 11-12 years!!
  10. Got the game on sale. Played first few hours! Man what a game! Feels amazing for a Potter head like me. Great attention to details of the Potter world and game mechanics. Although I feel control scheme is not intuitive and RPG elements are surface level but the world makes up for it.
  11. The pricing is insane for even first world countries!
  12. Same here. I couldn't notice any major difference except TLOU demo where Cerny specifically mentioned choppy framerate.
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