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dylanjosh last won the day on January 14

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  1. Also you cant pay more than how much is pending. Like if bill is 19,910, you cant pay 20k. You have to pay exact amt.
  2. I'm also thinking of doing a 2nd playthrough with a Body/Shotgun + Technical build
  3. Judy sex scene is better
  4. Searched a bit. In dialogue options you need to take her side and say you'll help her. After she asks you for help, dont wait too long to start her quest. You have to start it inside 24 hour (in-game timer)
  5. Male V? yes Man there is so much content in this game. Does not get over only. Now thinking of ignoring green quest icons
  6. Now that you have increased resolution, your bottleneck is GPU not CPU. Do what Pushy said and reduce settings. What game and settings are you checking? IMO you should have gone for 1440p monitor.
  7. Damn lots of Lego sets going around! I had no idea it was so popular
  8. Wait your Santa was @TheGothamChampion ? Looks like we completed a circular chain Dylanjosh -> TheGothamChampion -> niks_flashbullet -> Dylanjosh
  9. Thank you @niks_flashbullet Loved all the gifts!
  10. I'm so thoroughly impressed by this game I went and bought the dlc also Already reached level 26 Doing a hacker stealth build
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