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Everything posted by hsk_colossus

  1. It’s so easy to get lost in the world.. amazing
  2. Starfield is causing ponies to lose their collective minds … it’s amazing to watch
  3. its 87 on meta … oh my! such a big difference those random YouTubers made 😂 but please carry on your quest to improve journalism 😂
  4. Did the pending reviews of starfield come out yet ? It’s still 88 on opencritic … We were promised a drop to sub 80 levels by someone here who was keeping an eye on every review … 😂
  5. Concept of concurrent users seems alien to ponies…😂
  6. This is game is addictive, can’t put the controller down… I am easily getting distracted with side activities … amazing .. Loading screen suck though but fortunately it’s fast loading..
  7. Must be really hard for you with starfield launching and then you being caught lying 🤥… 😂
  8. Why getting so personal bro? All that because you were caught lying
  9. keep em coming!! You are pushing journalism to newer heights 😂 saltfield!!
  10. no no… keep posting every review … it’s too funny 😂
  11. 😂 after your work in pushing xbox to greater heights , your next target is journalism 😂
  12. Nice job…please continue posting every review … Your saltyness about starfield is really funny 😂
  13. Dark state is secretly pushing out propaganda in support of starfield
  14. You are salty I can understand…. Starfield performance is not what you wanted.. we know … but be a man… take a stand… don’t take u turn on every issue 😂
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