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Everything posted by CarbonCore

  1. TBH if it was 1TB SSD and $599 instead there wouldn't be this much of an uproar. And include that stupid-a*s stand in the box, it takes like $2 to make in chinese labor camps.
  2. It can be 40-60fps and still be fine with VRR displays. But yeah this is not for people who are happy with 30fps.
  3. Sony was always cocky, they just hide it when faceplanted and show it when they can get away with it. Yeah folks wanting to build a PC instead of spending 800 EU... Everyone should go through the trials and tribulation of building a cheap-a*s gaming PC. The lessons you learn from trying to run games on bottom of the barrel PC parts (because you wanted to beat console price) are valuable when you build your next actual PC.
  4. Everyone was unbanned iirc, but ask him to check again.
  5. Hopefully they grandfather in people who continue to sub beyond their expiry. Mine still shows 549rs when it expires some time next year.
  6. They probably have higher profit margin than base PS5. I mean it is sold to people who really want it above normal PS5, so why bother subsidizing it.
  7. If AW2 looks anywhere close to PC version with RT n stuff, people are in for a treat.
  8. Lmao I had no idea. Now I know where I'm going next
  9. Breh, since when did Japan become "no or easy visa"?
  10. I like that 16 Pro got a screen size bump, which means I can ignore Max entirely now.
  11. I mean everything released in last 3 years Add ALL OF THEM and you might reach this number. I was being generous by comparing it to older more popular games
  12. The latest games actually have terrible numbers. These ones are the best ones (FO76 is another).
  13. If you boot up HB2 on steam you can actually make a visible bump in the player tracker
  14. I remember when PS5 output was going to be dry after SM2 Then it was dry after Helldivers 2. Now its dry after AstroBot. No such thing as second party, its a made up term. If you really want to insist then 2nd party is you, the player. 1st party is the software maker who also owns the hardware. 3rd party is software maker from outside.
  15. This explains why the only Xbox game besides Forza to cross 90 was Flight Sim, it was developed by a third party
  16. Yeah I mean it ended with Aliens and Ripley nuking LV-426. Romulus (and Isolation) fits perfectly between movies. Prequel movies is whole another story, based on how much weed Ridley Scott is smoking at the time of writing script.
  17. From the movies point of view alone the story is done after Aliens. Alien 3 undoing everything Aliens did makes it non-canon in my book. Imagine when Newt slipped down in the shaft and Ripley said "ah sh*t, oh well sucks to be you" and left The outcome would be exactly like Alien 3, except Ripley not having queen inside her.
  18. Yeah seems to be people mad at game shadow installing Epic online service. They really should've declared this up front.
  19. Alien storyline is f**ked anyway so I'm glad its a self contained movie. But it does somewhat answer why the company wanted these creatures in first and second movie.
  20. Man the steam reviews took a nosedive after it went live. Looks like wait n see approach was right for me. Almost pulled the trigger on Gold edition.
  21. I have only seen Returnal fully support it 1:1, the rest do it but not as good as PS5 versions. Although something like DSX can emulate it pretty close to real thing. You can get haptics and trigger resistance even in wireless mode via DSX. But in any case the game will also have to support keyboard and mouse on PC, which is pretty hard if the game is specifically built around DS controller, like Astro's Playroom.
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