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Everything posted by Vip3r

  1. How would rose know the exact cuts in his hand. Definitely coming back.
  2. Like death of superman/wolverine/Sherlock Holmes actually was the death of superman etal.
  3. Yes. Very likely maybe even Ethan as well. Rarely main characters seem to die for good in this universe. Ethan can be a good false villain as we try to stop him and then the reveal and we switch over to him
  4. Yeah the actual comment from Sony is "unable to comment on this topic"
  5. Yup its mostly a huge scam - I doubt even one guy bought this from GTS.
  6. Oh that way. Me is very good and branches off into ME2 which is the best action rpg of its era. I actually downloaded the old version to see what's up. It did not have proper resolution support. Therefore le is the way to go.
  7. Hey is Rahul bro still making the telegram tracker ?
  8. Vip3r


    I thought you were Bacchan but sadly you are actually Sashi Kapoor
  9. Vip3r


    Jiggy bhai please sell the game asap once you are done with it. I'm thinking of going exclusively 2nd hand this gen.
  10. 94% positive ? I see 82 also no video settings lol. PC version seems to have issues
  11. Look at the steam reviews as well. Origin and whatever the me launcher is quite busted.
  12. Watched a livestream ME 1 is jank country. I'll buy when price drops/this comes on gamepass 6 month down the line. The other option is to take ea play pro for a month to play this and bio mutant.
  13. Jiggy bhai asking everyone to not spoil game in spoiler thread.
  14. Yeah this series of fps was supposed to be more grounded in your face upclose.
  15. Please play 7. It's a fantastic game. I think it's on game pass
  16. Yeah I think they can actually patch out the sp and focus entirely on mp.
  17. Yeah his entire body is mold and Papa Baker has already killed him. A good twist. Frankly I am quite skeptical on how the series is going to maintain its roots since its going into full on superhero origin with Rose.
  18. I genuinely paused an Lold when Heisenberg reffered to Chris as the "Boulder Punching a**hole"
  19. Vip3r

    Back 4 Blood

    Price is unjustified here I suppose. This studio also came out with evolve so I jabe healthy skepticism.
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