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san_Assassin last won the day on February 7

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About san_Assassin

  • Birthday 12/09/1982

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  • Location
    New Delhi
  • Interests
    Gaming, reading, gardening.

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    Marvel's Spiderman

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  1. bhai RC se childhood memories aur emotions jude hue hain. kya kya papad ni bele wo padhne ke liye tab. wo hamesha favourite rahenge. got whole collection of dhruv and nagraj, and some of toads, bhokal, parmanu, banke, doga, yodha and thrill horror. here is a pic of other books from other publishers. bought all these for my son but ended up reading myself too . they are really good and got really beautiful pictures. all of them are available on amazon. Mahabharat is the best of the lot. English version was OOS everywhere so bought the hindi one.
  2. laat mar ke bhagao salon ko
  3. 1. Gardening. Got more than 150 plants, mostly seasonal and some perennial. It is a very tiring job and needs time, constant care and monitoring, but I really enjoy doing it. Also like to click pics when flowers bloom and post on my insta account. 2. Gaming. 3. Reading and collecting comics (especially Raj comics )/books with beautiful pictures like Mahabharat and other mythological ones from publishers like Om Books, Wonder House Books. 4. Listening to Arijit and Kishore da.
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