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About gmanu555

  • Birthday 03/26/1983

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  • Interests
    gaming, cricket and movies.

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  • Now Playing
    Lara Croft Go

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  1. Could someone please suggest MacBook Air deals. As MacBook m3 is releasing in India on march 9th. Do we get good discounts for m1 in physical stores ?
  2. If possible try to schedule replacement and then cancel. Reason being they will quote the price based on cost of the spare. when you agree for replacement they will try to purchase the spare. In my case they do not have the spare and they refunded 40% of to purchase value as they are not able to repair.
  3. Amazon customer care asked me to order it for 3rd time again. Then I immediately Yeah lesson learnt. Delivery agent of my location is definitely Rocky bhai . Never mess with him
  4. I ordered it during the sale for 21k + additional card discount. Delivery Agent marked it as customer rejected and returned the order to seller. I called Amazon customer care and complained about it. After continuous follow up for couple of days they said they raised complaint on delivery agent and asked me to reorder and promised refund of hiked price difference (23k) Reordered again. Delivery Agent marked it as customer rejected and returned the order AGAIN.
  5. Looks like it is difficult to find people interested in Spotify premium. Anyone has slot to add 1 member Spotify premium membership. Please let me know.
  6. Anyone interested please reach out to me. We have 4 members currently. 2 more needed.
  7. Anyone interested to join Spotify premium 1 year plan. It's 2149 for one year for 6 members. This is new one-time payment prepay option provided by Spotify. Effective price is 358 per person. I already have couple of friends who are interested. Looking for 3 more.
  8. I thought of buying Amazon echo for 4000/- at the beginning of the sale. Now it shows 7000/- more than its regular price. Maybe I need to wait for diwali sale
  9. Please suggest good multi device keyboard. I'm planning to use with windows and ipad
  10. I'm using creative stage air 20w soundbar. Generally available for 2k. Check reviews.
  11. Amazon India already stopped taking returns of electronic products. Last week I bought tplink wifi powerline adapter and raised request for return as the connection speed is even bad than my existing wifi. Amazon customer service has not accepted the return as product is working and suggested me to check the reviews before buying. After some explanation from my side they accepted return as one time exception.
  12. The Hunter : Call of the wild Free this week on epic store
  13. Free games this week epic store guild-of-dungeoneering-classic kid-a-mnesia-exhibition never-alone-kisima-ingitchuna
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