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Status Updates posted by Sawyer

  1. Clear your inbox. Cant PM you

  2. Do you want to trade your Hitman Absolution with my Assassin's Creed III (codes unused) ??

  3. Which headset are you selling..? I might be interested.

  4. Added u on PSN for FIFA 13. Me too a noob at FIFA :P so we can play a equal match. Accept the request soon and when can we have our first match ?

  5. Sawyer

    Happy Birthday bro.

    I will be selling SD after 2-3 days. I am going to plat it :)

  6. U sold your game to rahul_15. He was the friend I was talking about :P

  7. Happy Birthday..!!!

  8. Happy Birthday bro.

  9. Hey, please hold Sleeping Dogs for a friend.

  10. Selling Uncharted 3 for 1250 inlcuding shipping. U interested ?

  11. Sawyer

    Not interested in any of the two.

  12. I think you should switch. PS3 is always better than 360. Wait, someone might sell their PS3 on TP

  13. Happy Birthday

  14. Happy Birthday..!!

  15. Hey, check out sleeping dogs reviews on Gamespot and IGN. 8 and 8.5 respectively.

  16. yaa..Check my IVG profile.

  17. Happy Birthday...!! I just got to know that we are of the same age.

  18. Happy Birthday..!!

  19. Happy Birthday..!!

  20. Happy Birthday..!!

  21. Happy Birthday..!!

  22. Happy Birthday..!!

  23. Happy Birthday..!!

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