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  1. FIFA21 Farewell Tourney This is the last tourney of the FIFA21 season. So, all self-proclaimed noobs [like @Assassins Creed ] should participate because it’s the shortest possible format. You lose one match and you are out, easy life. Each participant must be aware of all the rules listed below. Insufficient knowledge of the rules cannot be used as an excuse for breaking the rules. The entire tournament is based on fair-play practised by the participants because not everything can be regulated by the OC. PRIZES: Total amount ₹3500 as PSN wallet top-up, which is being sponsored by Rushab Oswal and Sanwal Memon. Thanks @rushaboswal and @Sanwal Amount: Winner will get ₹2500 and the runner-up will get ₹1000 FIFA21 Farewell Tourney: RULES & REGULATIONS 1. General: 1.1 Open only for IVG members. 1.2 Dates: 12 Sep 2021 – 30 Sep 2021. 1.3 Platform: PS4/PS5. 1.4 Game: FIFA21 for PS4. Players are allowed to play on PS5 as long as they use PS4 version of the game. 1.5 Number of participants: unlimited. 1.6 Please only register if you are going to be available for the entire duration of the tournament. 2. Tournament rules: 2.1 Teams and team star ratings: Any club or international team. Only actual club/country teams allowed, and special/fantasy teams, like All Star XI, World XI, World Soccer Aid XI and MLS XI, are NOT allowed. 2.2 Tournament format: It’s a simple knockout tournament (all single-legged fixtures). Ideally, there should be 4 rounds, namely pre quarter-finals, quarter-finals, semi-finals and a final. However, it may change slightly as per the number of participants. 2.3 Round schedule: PQF = 12 Sep 2021 – 20 Sep 2021 (9 days) QF = 21 Sep 2021 – 25 Sep 2021 (5 days) SF = 26 Sep 2021 – 28 Sep 2021 (3 days) Final = 29 Sep 2021 – 30 Sep 2021 (3 days) The number of days allocated for each round is provisional, it will be finalised after number of participants is confirmed to accommodate time for playoffs if required. 2.3 Players will be drawn randomly. 2.4 Host of a match should be decided mutually by both players. 2.5 If a match ends in draw, please keep playing (entire match) until there’s a winner. 2.7 Since most regulars are playing in this tourney, we expect there will be around 16 players. Some players may have to play an extra round if we have more than 16 players. 3. Registration: 3.1 To register, please provide your details in following format: A. Name : Bharat Kumar B. PSN ID : bharat_SS C. Team: Liverpool 3.2 A player must use the same team throughout the tournament. 3.3 Registrations are open until 23:59 on 10 Sep 2021. 3.4 Players from last tourney will be auto-registered but must confirm their participation in the thread here. New people will also be registered so no need to worry. 4. Match settings: 4.1 Game speed: Normal 4.2 Squads: Online 4.3 Half length: 6 minutes 4.4 Defending settings: Tactical defending 5. Match playing and result/score reporting: 5.1 Players are required to play with the PSN ID they have specified at the time of registration. 5.2 Matches need to be completed within the days mentioned. Start time is 00:00 on 12-09-2021 and end time is 23:59 on 30-09-2021. Any results posted outside of this window will not count. 5.3 Every player must play all their games, failing to do so may result in warning/ban from the tournaments organised by the OC. 5.4 Players are free to communicate through any medium with mutual understanding (IVG/PSN/WhatsApp). From the past experience, we have realised that to set up a match timing WhatsApp is the best medium. We will make a group on WhatsApp. 5.5 It is important both players must post the scores on the same day after finishing the game in the tournament thread. 6. Lag related rules: 6.1 As we know, lag is integral part of online gaming, there will be lag in almost every match so be prepared to play in lag if it appears. But, if there's an unplayable lag (and not just the normal lag) in a match, players can restart their match with mutual agreement. Try to change the host, it might help. Please be aware if your opponent has scored a goal in the meantime it will stand. For example, player A is facing lag while playing against player B. Player B has the possession and player A presses pause button the game will only stop after a foul/ball goes out of play. If player B scores a goal in the meantime, in the next game player A should give player B his one goal advantage back by scoring an own goal then play the rest of the match normally. But, and it's a big but, it is advised to all players if you have the possession in the early stages of a match and opponent presses the pause button, like in first 10 minutes game-time, please pause the match & wait (remember fair-play?) and if you don't receive any message from opponent regarding lag, just play normally after the pause times out completely. I know it's quite a long point but it has to be explained to avoid any conflict/dispute arising later on. 6.2 If a disconnection happens, consider every match as 93-minute long (it includes the 3 minutes of the injury time also) please play the remaining minutes in the next game. For example, if a DC happens at 62' in a game. You should play 31 minutes (93'-62' = 31') in the supplementary game. The first 31 minutes will count. There's no need to play the entire duration of the supplementary game. It is important to understand this point, I hope it's clear to everyone. 7. Discipline rules: 7.1 We take the discipline very seriously. Guilty may be disqualified and/or banned from the future tourneys hosted by the OC. 7.2 Please play fair and be nice to your fellow IVG members. 7.3 Last man sliding tackles from behind is not allowed in our tourneys. 7.4 Decision of the OC will be final. 7.5 Some OC members may not be present actively here in the thread but they will be around if a situation/dispute arises. 7.6 Abusing, bullying and/or threats against the other players are not tolerated. 7.7 Basically, nothing bad is tolerated. Message from the OC (Dan, Azaan, Surya and Bharat): All the best to all players from us.
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