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shaiTaaNi billi

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Posts posted by shaiTaaNi billi

  1. I just started watching the second season ? its worth the time right ?

    yes ofcourse :) i also suggest you to try few eppy's of Lipstick jungle (that was way better than GG IMHO) :rant:


    Just finished watching finale of Terminator Sarah Connor chronicles , simply one of THE most brilliant scifi series.. a fitting finale , not really a cliffhanger ,not really a fullstop, and yeah ending came like a sudden punch in the face .Infact it will take you a moment decipher what just happened, but once you get it , you will be like OMGWTF :console: .

    Too Bad its not getting a 3rd season , i was hoping for terminator:salvation to be crowd puller so that tv series gets another season , sigh! that seems impossible now.

    johny beech when u gonna let me know about the 7th eppy of 2nd season :P:samui:

  2. Gulati is a a pretty good place to eat, dude.


    For kababs, The Great Kabab Factory at the Radisson is amazing, also open at DLF Place, Saket now. If someone is in New Delhi and wants a good chinese, look no further than Nanking, Vasant Kunj :P

    lomdi :eyepop: kabhi kabar meethe ki bhi baat kiya karo :chucks:

  3. Sundrop Crunchy Peanut Butter, its actually better than the imported stuff you get!!!

    sundrop taste like crap :catfight:


    got skippi peanut butter and tastes so bad that i am giving the whole box to my servant..... :(

    mere hote skippy ki tauheen :( permaban for u :P


    :O skippy ki badnami :(


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