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Posts posted by wickedbl0ke

  1. 12 hours ago, Mysteryman said:

    Banning alcohol breaking contracts, jail for premarital sex, human rights violations, fake fans, corruption, deaths of thousands  etc 

    This death of thousands really burns a hole in my heart. Growing up, my father always showed me how football is a game of love and this really pushes things in another direction. I grew up watching my favorites laugh and cry on their path to glory and here we are, years later, seeing people die who took such great risks just to entertain us. I’m sorry, but this is not the way the game has to be played.


    Watch ‘Cards of Quatar’ on YouTube to see the impact this is making. 

    • Like 2
  2. On 10/29/2021 at 2:25 PM, dante77 said:

    It is insane how much these stores in malls charge for these items. They were charging full MRP no discount on any of the titan watches. Glad I bought from online store.


    I think malls dont care to make sales anymore. 

    There's a different ROI picture they have for their physical store compared to online. 

    When do you listen to audiobooks? i'm either working or watching something on tv or playing vidya games.
    So my attention is always taken. Used to listen to podcasts and stuff when travelling to and fro from work but that time is gone with WFH. 

    I don’t understand Amazon’s local pricing approach with Audible. 199 bucks a month is weird, although negligible, for audiobooks in this country. Masses ain’t going to sub to this at this price.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. You should wait. You will be stuck with Intel years down the line. M1 is the way to go and sooner or later Apple will make it the 100% priority. 3rd Party soft. devs will do it sooner.
    As far as the price is concerned, I don't seem them costing more than the current line-up for the same specs. It will put the people off and, air and 13" were of almost the same price.
    Wait a few months.

    Thank you. I had the same thoughts. Thank you for the validation.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Calling Apple fanboys.

    So my old 13inch macbook died.

    I want to move to a 16inch pro one now but do you think it makes sense to wait for the 16inch m1 or should i just get the 16inch intel one now. I’m also concerned about the pricing. The current intel one is 2l and i don’t know what the new M1s can be priced at.

    Anyone has any idea what to do and if I should get one where could I get it at the best deal?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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