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About sadisticmale

  • Birthday 04/01/2001

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    BOTW, RDR 2

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  1. Hello. I'm from Bangalore (tho my college is in another city). I'm 21 years old. My first console was a PSP in 2009, second was PS3 in 2011, on which I played tons of games. I still have them both in perfect working condition lol. I currently have Nintendo Switch OLED and a couple of games. (I'm always looking for more games but they're expensive af and I can't afford many). But I LOVE playing on handheld, so I'll have to arrange something. And I also have a couple of years old Asus gaming laptop with i5 9300h and GTX 1650. I dislike multilayer games, and I almost exclusively play story heavy games. Like JRPGs and RPGs. Anything that won't require multiplayer connection. My favourite games are BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, GTA 5. I'm a completionist and I literally cannot put down a game without completing all the side quests, no matter how trivial it is. Besides gaming I also like anime and manga. (I'm learning Japanese and have almost completed N5 syllabus). Would Love to game and talk with you guys.
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