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  1. A. Name : Ashish Rawat B. PSN ID : ashishrawat C. Team: PSG GLHF!
  2. Won against Sobi. 5-0 Very well played bro and nice try Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  3. We choose to play our joker card in the Sar vs San game Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  4. And, we are glad to bring on-board Joe Cool with his cool rep and administrative power. Welcome onboard Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  5. Welcome on-board Palash! Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  6. Ash ki Team chooses the ever talented Armaan Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  7. Ash ki Team is privileged to join this tournament. We pick Sanwal and Mr. Pradeep as our first two players. Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  8. Name: Ashish Rawat Team: Liverpool Psn: ashishrawat Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  9. Played Nathan and won 3-2 in the finals. Wasn't able to record the game but uploaded the highlights: Amazingly played Nathan and a very fun game. Thank you so much Bharat bhai for organizing the tourney and you hard work. I think my first tournament in like 7 years and very happy to win it.
  10. Played Akhil. Won 2-0 and drew 2-2. Great games and well played Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  11. Played Zaan, Lost 5-4 and won 2-0. Good games and well played. With this, I've finished all my matches.
  12. Won 5-2 and 7-1 against Rahul. Gg bro wp. With this, only Azaan left. Will sort it out tomorrow Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  13. Played Akhil Lost 2-4 and 2-5. Finished second game with Vaibhav. Won 10-2 Ggs both Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  14. Played Sanwal First game: Won 5-3 Second game: Won 10-4 Played Sar First game: Won 5-2 Second Game: Won 6-3 Ggs Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  15. Played Vaibhav. First game: won 4-0 Second game: was winning 9-2 till 78 mins but he quit or got DC. Not sure. Gg nt bro. Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
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