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  1. 1) Open steam in big picture mode. 2) Go into controller settings and enable playstation support 3) Plug in controller. That's it. I've only had to do it only once.. After that, I exited big picture mode. I guess big picture mode is running in the background because every time I start steam with the controller plugged in or plug in the controller while steam is running, I get the popup asking me to activate big picture which I just close. Here's my steam with the controller hooked up. https://imgur.com/a/yCKlvq2
  2. Honestly it depends on how often are you going to be using the controller and are you going to use it ONLY in steam? For reference I have a PS5/Series X/Switch/Steam controller. Some points of note: PS5 will work natively when plugged in wired through steam. You'll have to use a third party program like DS4windows to get it to work wirelessly/for non steam stuff. Steam controller is niche and discontinued anyway. Switch makes no sense for you since you don't need a dual system controller. I'd suggest just grabbing a series X controller. The only "con" you might find is that you have to use AA batteries instead of a rechargeable cell which is better in terms of longevity if you ask me. If you don't want to spend on a brand new one, you can grab a used one from gameloot for a bit cheaper.
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