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Everything posted by HundredProofSam

  1. Here are some alternative SaaS platforms: Vanilla: https://vanillaforums.com/features/forums/ Discourse (open source): https://www.discourse.org/features IPB's SaaS platform: https://invisioncommunity.com/buy Tribe is great but too expensive ($500 per month) Or we could move to a traditional forum software like phpBB which is free and self-hosted. Many other forums use it. Only issue is that it looks even more dated than IPB.
  2. The lowest tier should be fine for us. Migration cost is $250, but waived off if we pay for the full year up front. But I'm a bit concerned about getting stuck with a 1 yr commitment if their servers are sluggish and they aren't able to optimise performance. Would everyone be okay with having these forums as read-only and switching to an entirely platform from scratch?
  3. IPB has an SaaS offering, and they can also port our content and database from here for a fee: https://invisioncommunity.com/buy
  4. Moving to a new platform is an option. There are similar software suites, and also SaaS solutions like Tribe. The question is how much can we export and use on those platforms. If not posts and threads, we should at least be able to transfer the members database.
  5. I've been trying to find a solution to it, but the forums have become so bloated over the last 10+ years, there doesn't seem like much can be done, short of dumping it and starting from scratch. Even our AWS billing is through the roof (35k per month) because the forums have become so unoptimised that its taxing the server. The forums software company (Invision) has a service where we can move the forums to their own server but they can't guarantee that it will run any smoother.
  6. Hey guys, Those of you visiting IVG through Tapatalk may have noticed notifications issues and other bugs. We've been trying to resolve those but it seems like Tapatalk doesn't seem to support this forum platform very well at the moment. So I've removed Tapatalk entirely, and we'll keep it that way - partly because there are frequent issues with their plugin and each update seems to add more bugs, but also because the mobile browser version of the forums is actually quite good (a lot better than Tapatalk IMO) and it will just be a far smoother experience over time.
  7. Pro Evolution Soccer 2022 | PES 2022 Developer/Publisher: Konami Platforms: PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, Xbox One, PC Release date: 2021
  8. Hey guys, Since many of you here might be creating gaming content on YouTube or platforms, you can use this thread to share your content, get feedback from other members, and maybe even gain a few fans. A few rules for this thread: Do not spam your content. Post gaming content only. Don't just post links. Provide a description and details to what you are posting. DO NOT SPAM Posts that ignore any of the above will be deleted without warning.
  9. The IVG Community on PSN is called IndianVG. Join away! Guide: https://manuals.playstation.net/document/gb/ps4/communities/about_communities.html You can also use this thread to post your PSN IDs to connect with fellow IVG members
  10. New year, new thread. You know how this works - post photos of what you bought this week! Previous threads:
  11. PS4 version of Marvel’s Avengers donated to the IVG Library for piper. Posting and dispatching on his behalf
  12. This is the one common thread for the IVG Podcast. Rather than creating new threads for each individual episode, we'll use this thread to post whenever a new episode is published. ================================= IVG Podcast 49 Just one episode to go before the big five-o, and there is a lot to cover in this episode of the IVG Podcast. So without further ado, here are the topics for episode 49: Month two of the IVG Community Showcase The Halo Infinite delay A console without a big first-party launch title DC FanDome: Will we see any gameplay? Horizon: Zero Dawn and Marvel's Avengers PC ports Does Games as a service work for superhero games? Fall Guys: A pleasant surprise You can subscribe to the IVG Podcast on the following platforms and others:
  13. Donating The Last of Us Part II on behalf of @piper for the IVG Library. Condition is new.
  14. Starting this thread on behalf of @piper who is donating God of War. Condition is new.
  15. Donating Uncharted: The Lost Legacy for the Game Library. Game is without its original packaging, so will be shipped in a different box.
  16. List of IVG Game Library titles (in alphabetical order) Battlefield 1 (PS4) Battlefield: Hardline (PS4) Days Gone (PS4) Dishonored : Definitive Edition (PS4) Dishonored 2 (PS4) DeadPool (PS4) Deathloop (PS5) Death Stranding (PS4) Detroit Become Human (PS4) Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4) Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (PS4) Driveclub (PS4) Far Cry 5 (PS4) Ghost Of Tsushima (PS4) God of War (PS4) Hitman 2 (PS4) Horizon zero dawn complete edition (PS4) Horizon Forbidden West (PS4 & PS5) Infamous: Second Son (PS4) Kena - Bridge of Spirits (PS5) Ni No Kuni 2 (PS4) Marvel's Avengers (PS4) Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (PS5) Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain (PS4) Metro Exodus Nier Automata (PS4) Outlast Trinity (PS4) Persona 5 (PS4) Ratchet & Clank (PS4) Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4) Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PS4) Spiderman - Miles Morales (PS5) Tearaway Unfolded (PS4) The Last of Us Part II (PS4) x 2 The Last Guardian (PS4) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of The Year Edition (PS4) Uncharted : The Lost Legacy (PS4) Watch Dogs 2 (PS4) Wolfenstein 2 - The New Colossus (PS4) Yakuza 0 (PS4) Yakuza 2 Kiwami
  17. Introducing the IVG Game Library Console games can be expensive, even when you buy and sell them pre-owned in the IVG Trading Post. So, with so many great games coming out, as well as PS5 and Xbox Series X games to come, it’s the perfect time for us to bring back the IVG Game Library. The IVG Game Library is an initiative we had first started in 2008, and for those who weren’t IVG members back then, the concept it simple. IVG community members volunteer to donate a game (or multiple games) that other members are free to borrow for a limited period of time. There are no fees involved, and no middlemen. The library system is built on trust, and so there are a few eligibility criteria members would have to meet to be allowed to borrow or lend games in the IVG Game Library. You can read more about those eligibility criteria, library rules and other details below. MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA 50 reputation points Donate a game that is approved by IVG Library Staff (see list of staff below) RULES Game eligibility Game donated must be on a current-gen platform that people will be interested in playing Only disc-based console games are accepted Games without original box and cover would be accepted The IVG Library Staff will judge whether a game is eligible for entry into the IVG Library The member who is sending the game bears the cost of courier Sender must use a well-reputed courier service to ship games to other members Donating Donor agrees that if a game is lost or damaged, no compensation will be due If more than one person wants a game, a wait list will be created by the donor Donor may not ask for the game back while it is with a borrow during its borrowing period Donor may ask for the game back once borrowing period is over and there are no other members in the wait list Donors cannot request their donated games back while they are borrowing a game from the library Members may donate more than one game; additional games do not require Library Staff approval Borrowing Borrowing period would be 2 weeks from date of receipt. In exceptional cases where games are long, it can be 1 month. Borrowing period to be decided by Library staff Once the borrowing period is over, member must courier game to next person in wait list A member may only borrow a new game once the previously borrowed game has been received by next borrower or donor If there is no one in the wait list, game may be kept until someone else requests it or returned to donor – whatever donor prefers Members may not borrow more than one game at a time PROCEDURE Membership Once you have met the above library membership criteria, you may contact one of the IVG Library Staff members When contacting IVG Library Staff member, mention 1) The game you would like to donate, 2) The platform, and 3) The condition of the game – with/without box, etc Do check the game request thread here to see if you can fulfill a request added there. Final decision on whether a game will be accepted into the library rests with the Library Staff Donation Once membership into library is approved, donor must open a new topic/thread in the IVG Library section Library game threads must follow the naming system: [LIB] Name of game (Platform). For example, if you are donating Doom Eternal for PS4, the thread title should be [LIB] Doom Eternal (PS4) Donor must share pics of the game and box at the time of listing it in the library along with picture carrying IVG display name and date – games without original box will also be accepted Donor must also reserve the first reply in that thread, which he must update as and when the game has been borrowed or returned. It must also contain the wait list for the game When the game is requested by a library member, the donor must dispatch the same at the earliest convenience. Cost to be borne by sender. Donor is obliged to lend donated game to any library member who requests the game Borrowing Members interested in borrowing a game must comment in the game’s respective library thread Before borrowing a game, the member must show their post proving that previously borrowed game has been returned Borrower must update the game’s library thread once the game is received If received in damaged condition, borrower must share photos displaying the damage. If condition is not disclosed, it would be assumed that the game was received in good condition Borrowers must abide by the borrowing time periods Upon completion of borrowing period, borrower must dispatch the game to the next borrower on the wait list. Cost to be borne by the sender. If there are no other borrowers in the wait list, donor may request for it back. If so, dispatch game back to donor. Cost to be borne by sender IVG Game Library Staff @kmkaks @b!T @adity @HundredProofSam
  18. Support IVG For over a decade, IVG has provided a platform for Indian gamers to meet like-minded people and discuss their passion for games in a friendly and welcoming environment. What began as a message board in 2006, has grown into a comprehensive community for all things gaming. We have always resisted the temptation to monetise the IVG community, and we are determined to keep it that way. We believe the IVG forums should remain accessible to everyone for free. However, as we look to the future, we could use all the help we can get to ensure that IVG continues to function smoothly, while being steadily updated with the newest community features. To that end, we have set up a system to accept voluntary donations from members and readers who would like to support us in keeping the IVG community going strong. There are several ways that you can do this. Option 1: Automated monthly contributions If you'd like to make regular contributions to IVG, we offer automatic monthly donations in three denomination options. Through this method, you would be charged every month for your chosen amount for a 12-month duration, with an option to stop any time. Automated monthly contributions can be done in one of three amounts: Rs 100 per month Rs 500 per month Rs 1,000 per month If you'd like to contribute monthly, please fill out this form and we'll send you a payment link for the same. Option 2: Single contribution You can also choose to make a single contribution for an amount of your choice. To do so, please click on the button below. Click here to make single contributions via PayPal. Payments security and privacy: We use Razorpay's payment gateway to receive all payments. It is a secure platform and all payments happen entirely on the payment gateway. Rest assured that no payment information is collected, stored or accessible to IVG or any other third party. Razorpay is used by reputed organisations such as RBL Bank and Hotstar. You can read their terms and conditions here. We also offer PayPal as an option, which is well established as a safe and secure payments platform. What your financial contributions will help with. Every single Rupee that is contributed by the community will be used towards the community. These are some of the costs that would be covered through these contributions: Server costs Maintenance expenses Software and technical support expenses Upgrades and feature additions If we find ourselves in a situation where contributions go beyond our costs, we will give those funds back to the IVG community by way of contests and giveaways. Can't contribute financially? You can still help We understand that many users may not be able to contribute to IVG financially, and that's okay. But there are several other ways through which you can show your support. Use our affiliate tags when you shop at Amazon If you shop at Amazon, you can help us by using our Affiliate tag or links before adding items to your shopping cart. This way, we earn a small commission on your purchase. There are two ways to do this: Affiliate tag: Simple add &tag=i030-21 to any Amazon product page URL before adding it to your cart Affiliate link: Visit Amazon through this link. Any purchase you make during that session will benefit us. Show our podcast and social media channels some love While the forums remain core to the IVG experience, social media is a great way for new gamers to find IVG. So it would be great if you could follow, like and subscribe to us on the following platforms YouTube channel IVG Podcast Facebook Instagram Twitter Thank you for being part of the IVG community. Contributors Hall of Fame 1. @rAgHaV 2. @eddy4823 3. @Bird Bird Bird 4. @SpearHea:D 5. @quixote_1989 6. @dylanjosh 7. @Engineer 8. @playstationdude 9. @Snake 10. @dante77 11. @Assassins Creed 12. @-13- 13. @KJD 14. @kunjanp 15. @kold_war 16. @b!T 17. @ayush12ice 18. @VelivolusDas 19. @adity 20. @hope 21. @Mr.Copyright© 22. @Big Boss 23. @STICK3Rboy 24. @DinJo 25. @AtheK 26. @GeraltOfRivia 27. @Masterjack 28. @Bhpian Bali 29. @Maximus 30. @Pacifier 31. @icestrok 32. @abhinav sharma 33. @Mizanurification 34. @Banz 35. @Narukami_Yu 36. @Keano 37. @'Pranay 38. @Jigsaw
  19. The old "Personal Training / Fitness Counseling thread" has been removed because someone posting a trollface meme image from a site that had malware and so IVG got flagged as well. So you can continue those discussions here.
  20. BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT Rocksteady's final Arkham game Developer: Rocksteady Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One Release: 2014 Early details: Set after the events of Arkham City Batmobile is finally a core element of the gameplay An entirely new area of Gotham City, far larger than Arkham City Wider streets to accommodate the new driving gameplay Batman chases down super villains Scarecrow, Penguin, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, and more Debut trailer
  21. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Developed by: DICE Published by: EA Genre: First Person Shooter Release Date: 2010 Platforms: Xbox 360, PS3, PC DICE, an Electronic Arts Inc studio (NASDAQ: ERTS), today announced the development of Battlefield: Bad Company 2™, the sequel to last year’s blockbuster title. In this installment, the Bad Company crew again find themselves in the heart of the action, where they must use every weapon and vehicle at their disposal to survive. The action unfolds with unprecedented intensity, introducing a level of fervor to vehicular warfare never before experienced in a modern warfare action game. To get ready for the assault this winter, players can prepare for action in Battlefield 1943™, an all-new multiplayer game available this summer via PlayStation®Store, Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace and on the PC. In Battlefield: Bad Company 2, the ‘B’ company fight their way through snowy mountaintops, dense jungles and dusty villages. With a heavy arsenal of deadly weapons and a slew of vehicles to aid them, the crew set off on their mission and they are ready to blow up, shoot down, blast through, wipe out and utterly destroy anything that gets in their way. Total destruction is the name of the game, delivered as only the DICE next generation Frostbite™ engine can. Either online or offline, enemies will soon learn there is nowhere to hide. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will be available for the Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system, the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and the PC. Using the same Frostbite™ engine, Battlefield 1943 takes players back to WWII. The game offers endless hours of 24 player multiplayer action over three classic and tropic locations; Wake Island, Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima. Delivering the award-winning through-the-gun and vehicle warfare online experience DICE is best recognized for, Battlefield 1943 will have players battling in ruthless aerial dog fights and intense trench combat. Players can see the game in action at New York Comic Con (Booth #1441) from February 6th-8th. “Bad Company 2 takes everything that players liked in the original and ups the ante – more vehicles, more destruction and more team play,” said Karl Magnus Troedsson, Executive Producer Battlefield Franchise, DICE. “Battlefield 1943 is a new take on a blast from the past classic coming to life with brand new technology that we’re eager to get into players hands.”
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