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  1. On Amazon if you go just go through reviews, you'll see most of the reviews on top are 1 star. And there's a general consensus that there is non existent service of Jabra in India.
  2. Yes, I think so too. Wishing to get the active 2 and these if they are left till morning.
  3. Pro are currently going for 17k excluding your bank discount on Amazon.
  4. Yes. Galaxy watch Active 2 for 10k but my friend with icici cc is asleep ?
  5. Seemingly Jabra Elite 3 will go for 5.5k on Amazon. What are your thoughts?
  6. Deals don't have links I think.[emoji28] Just go to the great indian festival sale page and scroll down to electronics and accessories. It shows SE offer on top. (Mobile app)
  7. It's showing 20k for se, I'm just assuming the 10% discount using card.
  8. You can get for 18k after bank discount (20k discount price) on Amazon.
  9. Yeah, but they're not available anymore or else I would have bought those ?.
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