
Just Cause 2

ReviewJust Cause 2 is a game that lets you tether together a chain of vehicles, attach them to an airliner, fly it high up into the sky and then jump off it to watch the whole thing come crashing to the ground in a big glorious explosion. It also lets you string a helpless enemy to an explosive canister, set if off and watch it drag him all over the place before exploding. Not to mention the routine activities like flying a helicopter, and landing on the tallest building and base-jumping off it.

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Did all that sound like fun to you? If the answer is yes, then go buy yourself a copy of Just Cause 2 and start playing already! If you’re looking for something deeper than that, then I suggest looking elsewhere. This is game that puts mindless action and wanton destruction above everything else. It’s the perfect guilty pleasure that’s best experienced after a long stressful day at work or college.

As a sequel, Just Cause 2 is a massive improvement over its predecessor, which, let’s face it, was a crappy game once you got past the visuals and the crazy stunts. You still play as super agent Rico Rodriguez. In case you haven’t played the first one, Rico is like El Mariachi meets James Bond with a penchant for jumping off high places. As far as the plot and characters go, Just Cause 2 isn’t too far from the first game. Yes, the story once again is about liberating an island paradise from the clutches of an evil government and filled with forgettable characters with extremely bad voice acting. But some new gameplay mechanics, a better structure and a much needed layer of polish make it a far better experience compared to the first game.

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This is a sandbox action game in the truest sense. Yes, you can do missions and follow the story, but once you start getting the hang of things, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to because there’s just so much more you can do. The game takes place on the fictional island of Panau, which is divided into many different zones, each with a distinctive look. Whether it’s the sandy beaches, dense forests, commercial districts with towering skyscrapers, or the snow-covered mountainous regions, the game looks absolutely gorgeous. Just flying around the island in a helicopter aimlessly is a satisfying experience in itself.

The size of the playable game area is quite impressive. Flying from one zone to another can take anything from 10 to 20 minutes, so I can’t even imagine flying from one end of the map to another. Unlike other sandbox games, where you’ll get familiar with the map in a few sessions, Just Cause 2 has something new for you to explore even after a good 12 to 15 hours into the game.

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Most of the entertainment in Just Cause 2 comes from the ridiculous amount of random stuff you can do. It’s a game that actually encourages messing around with the various gameplay mechanics rather than just progressing through the story and finishing it. Like the first game, there’s heavy emphasis on Rico’s grappling hook and parachute combo. At the touch of a button, Rico can attach and reel himself towards any object using the grappling hook. This applies to any object in the game – buildings, vehicles, enemies and even explosive gas canisters. This helps you zip around areas with ease during combat or exploration and makes hijacking vehicles a breeze.

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