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    Dakar Desert Rally

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  1. I love the fact that it isn't being overtly fan service-y; like you-know-who showing up in Mando. I think this works perfectly fine as a standalone piece of sci-fi fiction. And yep, the look/feel of the "eye" was just excellent in this episode!
  2. Can't wait for this! The first season was brilliant.
  3. I've been using this and it's done everything I need it to: https://www.amazon.in/Qubo-Smart-Home-Security-Camera/dp/B08NWXZ4N7?th=1 I also use a bunch of Wipro smart bulbs and battens, and have never had issues. No Matter support though, so fair warning unless they add it in later.
  4. Keyofx

    Dead Space

    I actually thought the dialogue sequence in the original was better, This new script seemed a lot wordier, but that isn't necessarily a good thing when you have a portion of your screen taken up by floating heads. Just seemed clunky on first watch, at least.
  5. Bangalore PS5 Owners List Bangalore folks, let's use this thread to share information on online and offline official/launch stock availability. Like the other city threads, all interested buyers are free to post here along with their edition of choice and any local availability information and/or tips. This thread is for information sharing only, and posting here does not guarantee allocation. Hopefully this thread helps make sure each of us are sorted on launch day. We can turn this into an "owners" thread once everyone has what they need List of confirmed buyers (Handle - Location - Edition - Source): @Keyofx - Bangalore - Standard - Amazon @gecko89 - Bangalore - Standard - Flipkart @redArmi - Bangalore - Standard - SC / Offline @Agent 47 - Bangalore - Standard - Reliance Digital @quixote_1989 - Bangalore - Standard - Amazon @Shantz - Bangalore - Standard - Amazon @TouchyFever - Bangalore - Standard - Flipkart @bharathitman - Bangalore - Standard - Amazon + extra at Croma. @bharathitman, is the Croma booking confirmed/available? @Crhysis - Bangalore - Standard - Amazon @AtheK - Bangalore - Standard - Amazon @kruzzo - Bangalore - Standard - @Assassins Creed () @R a g h u - Bangalore - Standard - @HarishProGamer () @bigbonly2u - Bangalore - Standard - Amazon (second order may be up for grabs) @l33tmaniac - Hyderabad - Standard - Amazon @VamosReva - Hyderabad - Standard - @l33tmaniac () @Yogaraj - Chennai - Standard - Prepaidgamercard @aakarshd - Chennai - Standard - Reliance Digital @suryavegeta12 - Coimbatore - Standard - Croma @Arthur Morgan - Bangalore - Standard - Amazon List of members still on the look out: @hussain - Bangalore @YK316 - Bangalore @imemyself - Bangalore Unconfirmed: @Ram Dante - Chennai - Standard @icestrok- Kochi - Standard @muathaz03 Kannur - Standard @Dr. AWESOME - Bangalore - Standard - @Dr. AWESOME, did you manage to preorder one? List of future buyers (Bangalore): @kold_war @Paapi (April) @argruid @Ne0 (Standard) List of current owners (Bangalore): @Assassins Creed (Standard - Import) @HarishProGamer (Standard - Import) @ZooZoo (Standard - Import) List of authorised (Indian version) retailers: Confirmed PS5 pre-order retailers (URLs to be updated later): Shop at Sony Center Amazon Flipkart Reliance Digital Games The Shop E-store Croma New Games N Gadgets (Jayanagar) CeX (Pre-owned) Prepaidgamercard Other authorised Sony retailers (preorder confirmation awaited) Glasgow Computers (Brigade Road) - Taking pre-orders for Feb-end restock. Restock date is unconfirmed. Venus (Church Street) Games The Shop (Mantri Square)
  6. Keyofx

    Alien: Isolation

    Gameplay: Trailer: game over man, game over.
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