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Status Updates posted by sagarjalvi

  1. brukhen eires pls -______-

  2. u dun say? /trolface

  3. hey bro, game already sold. kthnx

  4. Thanks man :D

    on a side note: Y U NO ACCEPT MY FB Friend Request?

  5. trade sky rim for prototype 2?

  6. Hey bro, i tried making a new topic in general chatter named "PS3 owners in Jaipur" don't know how it created 4 topics?

    Can you please delete the other 3?

    Sorry for the inconvenience :(

  7. Bank Name: HDFC Bank

    Payee Name: SEEMA VERMA

    Bank Account Number: 02721530000130

    Bank Branch: Rohini Sector-9 Delhi

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