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Mysteryman last won the day on October 27 2024

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    Loves shooter and action adventure styled games e.g Gears of war , Call of Duty , Halo, Mass Effect , Uncharted.

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  1. If only they know Era audience is not their target audience. Their greed for live service is another issue.
  2. Mysteryman

    Days Gone

    Available on PS5 April 25, 2025. New content also available on PC as Broken Road DLC at the same date. For players that have purchased Days Gone on PS4, you can upgrade to Days Gone Remastered including all new content and features for $10USD. For new players who do not own Days Gone, you can purchase Days Gone Remastered for $49.99USD. Featuring improved graphical fidelity, increased foliage draw distance, improved shadow and lighting quality, Tempest 3D Audio, VRR support and more. Quality or Performance mode. Enhanced Photo Mode New mode: Permadeath with a new PlayStation Trophy New mode: Speedrun - Equip your nitrous and race against the clock! New mode: Horde Assault - Designed to challenge your skills as you try to achieve a high score while surviving as long as possible with never-before-playable characters
  3. Probably the final DLC on Playstation before the PC release. No story DLC to be expected. Expect a lot of inevitable mods.
  4. Within 5-10 years, I expect half of the trailers to be from China alone.
  5. Yeah. But will get it nonetheless. The differences does not seem as big as HZD remastered. Will see the comparison videos later.
  6. Mysteryman


    Looks interesting. Reminds me of Battlefield Hardline.
  7. Another Chinese studio game. Making big waves. East is beating out the West in quality and quantity.
  8. Very mid show. This is what we get from Arrogant Sony when there is no competition. I remember the good ole E3 days where practically every PS show was great. Only Doom: The Dark Ages and Days Gone Remastered (havent played original) interest me for 2025.
  9. Yes. Hoping for RE9 announcement. Long overdue. 40min+ is basically showcase length.
  10. or high value items like gold or illegal drugs. Electronics they wont bother.
  11. They gonna blame us chuds for Ubisoft sale to Tencent soon.
  12. How can people eat and live like that? You wont find such a creature 50 years back except for a circus. Fast food and pharma industry love people like them. They probably live on handouts from government.
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