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  1. Looks like Nobody plays LBP games anymore. So they shutting it down.
  2. No official confirmation from MS, just rumors till now. That said I totally expect it to come in future once it's ported to UE5.
  3. Zod

    Halo Infinite

    Only remakes which are atleast 2 or 3 generations old minimum makes sense to me. Remakes of PS4 games are pointless and bad trend in industry coz devs will just make remakes than new games. And it Doesn't matter if some dumbass ponies buying Sony remakes in big numbers. Transformer movies makes billion doesnt mean they good lol. Halo 1 has never been remade. They just did remaster it by improving graphics and frame rate and added few 3rd party made Blur cutscenes for Master Chief Collection. I dont know why anyone thinks it was remake. Halo 1 should be completely remade, basically like creating new game with all new assets and technology using UE5 and then release it on PS5 and all other platforms. Give Ponies Halo powered by UE5, they will forget Killzone and Resistance.
  4. Zod

    Halo Infinite

    No remakes of Horizon Zero dawn, Untill Dawn and all which are fairly recent games and already looks pretty good are not needed. Apart from new face models and lighting there's not much difference. Ratchet 2016 remake i can understand, Demon Souls remake was needed and so does Shadow, no issues with these remakes but Horizon and Last of us naa. Remake should have night and day difference which is not the case of with PS4 games remakes. Last of Us 1 was already remaster for PS4 once with improved graphics and frame rate. No one asked for remakes. And coming back to Halo remake using UE5? Did MS even confirmed it or just rumors?
  5. Zod

    Halo Infinite

    What i meant to say one engine used in all ND games, it just getting upgraded and modified with new PS hardware. ND is not creating new engine for evey new game. Same goes for Insomniac V2 engine. One gets improved and upgraded with new hardware. I posted link above which shows same PS3 engine was upgraded and modified for PS4 then PS5. Its ccommon practice n industry. Almost all major AAA devs continue with one engine and keep modifying it with new hardware every gen. Halo case is different coz 343 not gonna continue with their current Halo engine and technology. They completely going for different tools and technology with UE5. Hope it got into your thick brain. I'm getting tired trying to explain simple stuff to you.
  6. Zod

    Halo Infinite

    Tlou 1 remastered used Tlou 2 technology and assets and Zero Dawn remastered uses Forbidden west assets and technology. Hellblade 2 is on UE5, nextgen gem version of UE. It uses upgraded version of Unreal technology. If someone makes Hellblade 1 remake tomorrow then it will use Hellblade 2 technology and assets. Halo will not use upgraded version of Slip space. They going completely different route with no connection to Slip Space, hence the difference. UE5 made by Epic snd Slip space by 343. So connection between both.
  7. Zod

    Halo Infinite

    Read properly. Engine was upgraded and modified for PS4 and PS5. Engine is called the Naughty Dog Engine. It was called Uncharted engine during PS3 but they renamed it too Naughty Dog engine for PS4 games and for Uncharted 4 it was significantly enhanced and upgraded for PS4. Now for PS5 again, it was improved for Last of Us1 remastered. They didn't make new engine for Last of Us 2 and Tlou 1 remake from ground up. Making new engine not easy and cheap. Most devs upgrade and enhanced their old engine.Call of Duty best example of it. You can read about it here - The Last of Us Part II was developed using Naughty Dog's in-house proprietary game engine, "completed overhauled" since the release of Uncharted 4.[1] https://playstation-studios.fandom.com/wiki/The_Last_of_Us_Part_II ^,Scroll down to Technology paragraph. Halo case is different. Slip space vs UE5
  8. Zod

    Halo Infinite

    Halo will remain sh*t as long as 343 handling it. Hand over franchise to Id software or Machine games.
  9. Zod

    Halo Infinite

    1- Tlou 1 remake and 2 uses upgraded and modified Uncharted engine. Its not new engine, its upgraded for PS5. Tlou 1 remaster or remake was done using Tlou 2 assets and technology. https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2022-the-last-of-us-part-1-ps5-remaster-vs-original-ps4-pro-remaster 2 - Ratchet uses again upgraded modified engine. https://insomniacgames.fandom.com/wiki/Insomniac_Engine_v.2.0#:~:text=The Insomniac Engine v.,for Booty and Resistance 2. Here - The Insomniac Engine v. 2.0 is a video game engine owned by Insomniac. This engine was used in Ratchet And Future: Tools of Destruction, Ratchet And Clank Future: Quest for Booty and Resistance 2. And Untill Dawn is more of remaster than remake. https://www.google.com/amp/s/wccftech.com/until-dawn-pc-remake-has-a-broken-ray-tracing-experience-amd-fsr-3-doesnt-work-at-all/amp/ Its also very poorly optimized and getting criticism from Fans Now Demon souls and Shadow I can agree with you. Both are proper remake with new engine. Halo case completely different. From slip space to UE5.
  10. Zod

    Halo Infinite

    That's true. Changing name of 343 to Halo will not make much difference unless major changes done to creative team
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