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Zod last won the day on February 6

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  1. Some of the sh1t is extremely well hidden, you have to use guides sometimes. Souls games in particular hide stuff really well.
  2. No not puzzles but how to get secret ending nd all after completing first playthrough.
  3. I had to check a video guide coz its impossible to figure out without it imo. You have to check guide. Story is kinda meh. So dont worry about spoilers. If you get stuck then watch video guide.
  4. Bro its so hard that 99.99% PS5 gamers will not even bother. Switch and xbox both equally hard to mod. Majority users will not bother. Pirating games were very easy during PS2 and 360 days but not anymore.
  5. Take your time explore as much as possible. Game gets significantly harder in later sections, so explore and get your gear up and dont skip secret ending. Its awesome
  6. Console piracy non existent. You cant mod ps5 or Xbox to play pirated games. Its extremely hard, so no one bothers
  7. Chaava, awesome movie. Finally Bollywood making proper movies showing real Indian heroes than glorifying invaders.
  8. if your criteria of a good show is how many first party exclusives are announced then, yes show was bad. But in my opinion Show was quite good, there were many cool looking multiplatform games that im looking forward to playing.
  9. Zod

    Days Gone

    I played it via plus, so no upgrade for me
  10. Zod


    Only he experienced the bugs but majority of reviewers didn't report any game breaking bugs, that said i totally expect Obsidian game to have bugs.
  11. Zod


    ACG review Polarising game. Some really like it and some dont like it much. But no one saying game is bad or not worth playing especially if you have gamepass.
  12. He lone warrior defending Sony here over this outage.
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