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dante77 last won the day on January 29

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About dante77

  • Birthday 07/26/1991

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  1. Yeah, he didn't seem like a protagonist type. I thought protagonist is gonna jump from somewhere in the trailer lol but I trust Capcom will do justice, a bit of different is fine by me. They showed Chinese version in the SOP show, that sounded a little off too. For now I see him as a downgrade from Seminosuke, but at least he is not non-binary ugly looking character, enough for me. Looking good!
  2. Hey Dylan, what's up? I think you were MIA for a while from IVG.
  3. Graphics wise it seems like there is no upgrade and looks more like a last gen PS4 game. But this is a minor issue for me. New Borderlands game is
  4. Yup. Totally hyped for this. Combat looks sick!
  5. dante77


    That much I concede. I probably didn't play it correctly, it was my first proper Roguelike. I was good at gameplay though, just not good enough apparently.
  6. Going for lighter tone this time. I see. I am just glad they are reviving the franchise. Super excited!!!
  7. This looks great! Proper hack n slash.
  8. dante77


    Man! Why roguelike? Returnal had amazing gameplay but I had to give up because I had no idea what was going on and wasn't progressing at all.
  9. It was a complete sh*t show, had no expectation anyway and was surprised to see other people's wishlist.
  10. Monster hunter. Yeah waste 10 mins in that please!
  11. dante77


    Performance wise, it is fine. No lag or framerate drops. It was 1600 Rs last month.
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