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  1. SuperT


    How is the comic ?
  2. I hope you enjoy the book. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
  3. Got these today, I haven’t played Ronin, so this is perfect for the upcoming holidays. I think I know who my Santa is - @KnackChap Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!
  4. Glad you liked it. There is something more on the way.
  5. SuperT


    https://www.amazon.in/Art-Returnal-Housemarque/dp/150673958X/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1V531921JSHG1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5cMCyrADJpsgWpq1IO4tKSNXJh_8wSFegiZ8ToJ8I1EPCfC2vjjkBO7EkrChl-vnwFW6g3sAgqa2hkZ8N-Wku1ZfGJ3bbChbLHaY9o5phJcGc5wPlaV8llP5CrURp1IO4ew80IZaX6eRtLnMMl14zg.eKdtJQlVZp3scgej34t3gD5OS646vQrF7VYb98Ed2b0&dib_tag=se&keywords=returnal&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1734069997&sprefix=returnal%2Caps%2C274&sr=8-3 https://www.amazon.in/Returnal-Fallen-Asteria-Gregory-Louden-ebook/dp/B0DFBF4H8P/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1V531921JSHG1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5cMCyrADJpsgWpq1IO4tKSNXJh_8wSFegiZ8ToJ8I1EPCfC2vjjkBO7EkrChl-vnwFW6g3sAgqa2hkZ8N-Wku1ZfGJ3bbChbLHaY9o5phJcGc5wPlaV8llP5CrURp1IO4ew80IZaX6eRtLnMMl14zg.eKdtJQlVZp3scgej34t3gD5OS646vQrF7VYb98Ed2b0&dib_tag=se&keywords=returnal&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1734069997&sprefix=returnal%2Caps%2C274&sr=8-5
  6. SuperT


    Nice, I hope they do a sequel soon this is still the best game on the PS5 for me.
  7. I need to find time and get Astrobot soon I was expecting Metaphor to win.
  8. Damn I jumped when I saw ND logo, only to see the Last of Us 2 Remastered.
  9. Check it now, it is working. I saw it and realized that I hardly played any games this year.
  10. Thailand out of the two for sure if chilling is the only agenda.
  11. If you are visiting in couple of weeks it might start getting cold. Carry some jackets and thin woolens if you are not used to the cold.
  12. Shrinking is brilliant, perfect show to unwind and relax.
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