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Ne0 last won the day on July 28 2022

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  1. Sounds like the judgement series, day/ night cycle was controlled by main quest progression in that game. If you miss a side quest that only opens in day time you had to wait until the next main quest that moves back the cycle to day.
  2. Same here, some of the best games I’ve played in these past years have been from gamepass/ps extra, for ex: judgement/lost judgement/like a dragon/y0/lis:true colours/medium and many more. I would’ve never purchased these on my own, but loved them to bits thanks to ps extra/gamepass !
  3. Ps360 era was different, now most first party games on either console are on pc eventually and almost all Xbox games release day one on pc too. Console exclusivity is not really that much of a problem as it used to be !
  4. Ppl who are pining for demise of Xbox dont completely grasp the pains of monopoly. In ps2 gen, Sony literally charged for memory cards, even in ps3 gen, they overpriced their console and then had to build a psn/mp to compete with Xbox live. If Xbox/gamepass goes belly up next gen, programs like ps extra/essentials might simply close. With game price touching almost ₹5k now and with no disc drives to play used games, console gaming would be unaffordable for many!!
  5. Competition is always a good thing to move the industry forward ! look at ps5 pro, with little to no competition that’s what you get. An overpriced console with minor upgrades compared to the base version (relative to the price difference) , it doesn’t even have a disc drive !
  6. Completed the single player campaign , I felt it’s one of the best sp campaign I’ve played in cod games until now. Easily tops the first trilogy and even the first black ops (which was my fav so far). The best part is the variety, the game has a good mix of stealth and action and there’s one mission which is completely open. Voice acting is spectacular and the game ran super smooth on my pc (3060ti/5600x/16gb) at 2k. For me, the zombie levels especially stood out in terms of brilliance in level design ! Another feather in the cap for gamepass !!
  7. So it’s like a medieval life sim ?
  8. Bringing back this from hibernation : Finally completed the mistborn trilogy. Good series, ending of the first trilogy was a mixed bag, unexpected alright but I didn’t like it. Rest was good though. World building especially was good and magic system was very unique ! Is the rest of the books on the second arc worth reading ? Also, anyone read wind and truth ? Released recently it’s supposed to be the finale of the first arc of the stormlight archives.
  9. I’m almost at the end I think and got hit by so many side quests all of a sudden. Planning to complete all of them before the final showdown (I’m assuming it’s final based on all the indications the game has thrown at me so far). I’m at level 45 now. While I agree on the scale and setting, the gameplay itself is not as good as ff7: remake. Clive is really op and there’s little to no strategy required except mash one eikon ability after another to take down most enemies. Even the world is mostly static and most npc are pretty dumb like standing at the same place, repeating the same lines over and over. The plot and setting is really awesome though. Feels like reading thru a grrm novel at times with all the lore.
  10. Even the older GTA games has the same mechanic, maybe some tech limitation of the prev gens ? Also the first game was available on egs for free as part of their give away. Have purchased it, question is whether it’s worth playing ? Seems like a slow burn Middle Ages sim game ? Does it have a plot /decent gameplay ?
  11. Ne0

    Indiana Jones

    Also, didn’t know this game has released already, gamepass is really bonkers, so many games releasing on day one with so little time to play. I’m yet to complete the newest cod on topic, saw review and the game is looking good. Both this and stalker seems awesome. Will wait for couple of months for them to release all their patches and then try them ! FP adventure games gives me nausea though, I hope it’s not bad here !
  12. Ne0

    Indiana Jones

    Are you taking a month off from work or something lol ? How do you guys play so many games in such short times ?
  13. I watched this movie called ‘manjummel boys’ recently on Disney hotstar, it was very good. To think it was based on real story gave me the chills
  14. I’ve seen the first season, loved it. It’s based on a book series and se01 kinda ends on a cliffhanger so went ahead ands read the plot of the full series on Wikipedia 😂 can’t wait for season 2 now ! Dark matter is another one of amazing shows on Apple+. Especially for fans of Dark. It’s not as good as dark, but comes close IMO. i can’t believe apple launches all these high quality shows without any fanfare or marketing ! I’m watching shrinking - se02, and loving that too - I found it to be quite a chilled show to watch after a long day at work lol !
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