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El Tigre Chino

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El Tigre Chino last won the day on March 13 2022

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About El Tigre Chino

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. The 500kg is pretty weak man. Rail canon strike is where it’s at.
  2. Automatons are getting Aerial Gunships it seems.
  3. LAS 99 is great against Automatons, did a solid run on Troost last night.
  4. Once it lands, the shuttle doesn’t leave if no one is seated inside. The 20 second countdown begins after the first person gets in
  5. There a study level A320 in the works for Xbox which will be a free addition. The FBW 320 on PC is a solid upgrade experience wise. Can link it to Volanta for flight following, load in flight plans, etc.
  6. Same, was pleasantly surprised.
  7. Got a 3 year multiple entry visa as well, had the same question about the 90 days. They have an embassy in Mumbai, maybe try calling them and check? … and then let me know
  8. Yeah the medals are fairly easy to come by anyway, especially if you’re doing the dailies. May as well burn them and open up the pages.
  9. Unlocked all of it it from the base warbond? You get around 750 SC from that itself
  10. ScamGang plays the games they enjoy on the platforms that give them the best value for money. ScamGang doesn’t care about multi-billion dollar corporations bottom lines unlike some ponies who line up to give their bottoms away
  11. Gameplay wise standard is fine. There’s a fair amount of strategems, cosmetics and weapons that you get in the base game. The premium battlepass you get with deluxe can be unlocked in about 2-3 weeks of playtime
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