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achilles last won the day on April 23 2023

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  1. Anyone know what's the most start-up friendly bank today?
  2. To the absolute fkn gills. Regardless though, he is in truly phenomenal shape. Compare him to his peers of similar vintage, including HHH who is no slouch himself, and you’ll appreciate to what unreal heights Dwayne the human has pushed himself to. He looked to be moving and bumping much better than when he came back to feud with Cena (twice in a lifetime). I mean, he took that Roman spear like he took the Goldberg spear way back when.
  3. That glass shattering sound instead of the gong would’ve absolutely murdered. Even I was waiting on it, and would’ve squealed. Austin taking out The Rock would’ve been just.. too perfect, since he has been the biggest anti-establishment guy, or anti-boss. Also, how well did The Rock move last night! He fit-in with all the others in that ring. Better than when he and Cena did their thing. The tag match was bonkers. The Final Boss was truly final. At almost 52, working like he did, goddamn inspirational.
  4. Storytelling at its finest. The moments. The feel. What. A. Show.
  5. Oh, joy. Do they add interest like they do when we pay our 'advance' taxes later?
  6. Have put the case up on RBI portal, no update yet.
  7. It took Axis 5 weeks to figure out and let me know they cancelled my card based on someone else’s delinquency. That someone else is an entirely unrelated human. They also cancelled the card without any communication. I found my card was cancelled after I got in touch with customer service to let them know that my card was showing CVV error on trying to use it. At the same time, I kept getting statements (which showed nil dues, in fact pending cash back) and calls for “unpaid dues” I don’t foresee I’ll use any of their services anytime soon. This level of systemic incompetence is not for me, no matter the rewards.
  8. A Knives Out -ish remixed adaptation with Indian cast & crew, and you think it’ll be good, I exclaimed to the wife. She ignored my quip and put Murder Mubarak on Netflix anyway. And I’m glad she did, because this is a tight, well made, fun, and funny movie with an incredible ensemble cast, with spot on performances. It’s not short, but time will fly by. A good story, a properly unfolding onion-like layered mystery, satisfying end and a remake that’s equal parts inspiration and adaptation. You can see where it comes from yet it is enough of its own thing and it works. Good artists copy, great artists steal. Well done Netflix, Homi Adajania, Pankaj Tripathi, Sara Ali Khan et al. PS: epic party bro. 8.5/10
  9. He has fumbled quite a bit, quite a few times. You watch his earlier promos, even at WM30, and see how quick, and forceful he was. Has definitely missed a few steps. He's been repeating too many things too often. Age and all that T surely have had some effect. I mean, dude looks jacker than JACKED at goddamn 51.
  10. Yeah, so I’ve been told elsewhere too. What about these “ali-forwarders”?
  11. Hi. Anyone successfully received an order from Aliexpress lately? Whats the best way? Need a few components that are not available elsewhere.
  12. Contra: Operation Galuga. Super chaotic, super nostalgic, super fun. Specially in co-op.
  13. LOL even he might give you conflicting info. Just ask on the 91st day of stay in Japan and let us know what happens By the language (bolded part), it means a total of 90 days.
  14. If it is a business visa, it should be 90 consecutive per visit. What does it say on the Visa under "for a stay of" section?
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