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Everything posted by SuperT

  1. SuperT

    Days Gone

    Did you add the game to your library ?
  2. SuperT


    Hyped. I was instantly sold on this when the trailer shows the spiral projectiles right at the end.
  3. I don't think they will conclude it so soon with just 2 seasons, it is driving Apple TV subs and I am sure it will get at least 3-4 seasons.
  4. The cinematography this season is off the charts, brilliant stuff.
  5. SuperT

    Doom: Dark Ages

    The gamer gets complete freedom to choose, if you want it to be difficult go ahead but isn't more gamers playing the game better ? I don't see how this is BS ?
  6. SuperT

    Doom: Dark Ages

    Hyped. The shield and flying bits in the trailer were epic.
  7. SuperT


    How is the comic ?
  8. I hope you enjoy the book. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
  9. Got these today, I haven’t played Ronin, so this is perfect for the upcoming holidays. I think I know who my Santa is - @KnackChap Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!
  10. Glad you liked it. There is something more on the way.
  11. SuperT


    https://www.amazon.in/Art-Returnal-Housemarque/dp/150673958X/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1V531921JSHG1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5cMCyrADJpsgWpq1IO4tKSNXJh_8wSFegiZ8ToJ8I1EPCfC2vjjkBO7EkrChl-vnwFW6g3sAgqa2hkZ8N-Wku1ZfGJ3bbChbLHaY9o5phJcGc5wPlaV8llP5CrURp1IO4ew80IZaX6eRtLnMMl14zg.eKdtJQlVZp3scgej34t3gD5OS646vQrF7VYb98Ed2b0&dib_tag=se&keywords=returnal&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1734069997&sprefix=returnal%2Caps%2C274&sr=8-3 https://www.amazon.in/Returnal-Fallen-Asteria-Gregory-Louden-ebook/dp/B0DFBF4H8P/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1V531921JSHG1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5cMCyrADJpsgWpq1IO4tKSNXJh_8wSFegiZ8ToJ8I1EPCfC2vjjkBO7EkrChl-vnwFW6g3sAgqa2hkZ8N-Wku1ZfGJ3bbChbLHaY9o5phJcGc5wPlaV8llP5CrURp1IO4ew80IZaX6eRtLnMMl14zg.eKdtJQlVZp3scgej34t3gD5OS646vQrF7VYb98Ed2b0&dib_tag=se&keywords=returnal&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1734069997&sprefix=returnal%2Caps%2C274&sr=8-5
  12. SuperT


    Nice, I hope they do a sequel soon this is still the best game on the PS5 for me.
  13. I need to find time and get Astrobot soon I was expecting Metaphor to win.
  14. Damn I jumped when I saw ND logo, only to see the Last of Us 2 Remastered.
  15. Check it now, it is working. I saw it and realized that I hardly played any games this year.
  16. Thailand out of the two for sure if chilling is the only agenda.
  17. If you are visiting in couple of weeks it might start getting cold. Carry some jackets and thin woolens if you are not used to the cold.
  18. Shrinking is brilliant, perfect show to unwind and relax.
  19. Watched Longlegs and liked it a lot. The ending though was somewhat weak and could have been much better. This one needs to be watched with the lights out at night. Nic Cage If you watch it expecting it to be a typical jump scare horror flick you might get disappointed Solid 8/10
  20. Lots of movies where the city is really a major part of the movie - Drive, Dark Knight, Before Sunrise/Sunset, Heat, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist are some that come to mind. Also, Breaking Bad (Albuquerque) - a family member stays in the area and said it captured the area so well.
  21. Why do you keep mentioning that IVG is dead again and again and yet are one of the most active here ? You do the same on discord as well. Honestly, IVG is much more active than the discord server and easier to navigate.
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