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Bird Bird Bird

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Bird Bird Bird last won the day on September 15 2024

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About Bird Bird Bird

  • Birthday 01/02/1984

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    In your closet !

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  1. I guess compared to what you can do with an SSD with the likes of RnC Rift Apart - that was really cool. Good thing SD Express will be the norm now.
  2. Unfortunately rumors suggest LCD (gives them something for midgen refresh). Switch 2 will use SD Express cards. AFAIK, they can hit great speeds, same as SSD.
  3. Beg to differ - Nintendo actually makes superb hardware. None of my Switches have died on me, ever (had one case of JC rubber break) - they usually do specs based on what they can do with games without focussing too much in graphics, rather gameplay. In contrast had to get PS5 repaired, fans get clogged easily etc. XSX has been going strong too btw. This. Even on bad days fire up Mario Party coop and you are gold.
  4. Thanks guys. Enjoy the season of gifting.
  5. Sorry, can't. Going through a huge personal tragedy.
  6. They wanted to compensate as they also wanted Dow Chemicals to invest in India. Both companies are part of US India CEO forum. What happened after 23 years that RT suddenly wanted to take DC'S liability? Think critically. Anyway, people are getting riled up. Better to pay your respects and move on. Don't ask why others are not bothered. Mods can clean up the thread as needed.
  7. My happiness or unhappiness does not mean anything. He was a capitalist, had great PR, helped the company involved in Bhopal Gas Tragedy escape fine and punishment, and his PR has done an amazing job to ensure everybody only remembers him for good. Capitalist will be capitalist. Honestly, I don't even care about him but some people are putting him next to God without even knowing how rich got rich. No one is Tata rich due to good deeds.
  8. And Ratan Tata, along with TISS lead to DV act, because of which millions of false cases are filed on men every day.
  9. Go over the Radia tapes, thousands of adivasis killed, moved from their houses for Tata factories. Most of the philanthropy is held by his own companies (Tata Trust) and controlled by Tatas. Don't get into PR.
  10. Scalper rates everywhere unfortunately. And tbh, expected.
  11. I wish he could hover that long in the game.
  12. My experience with MX2 hasn't been great either. Kept me waiting for a long time for a Switch game which was supposed to be in stock.
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