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Bird Bird Bird

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Bird Bird Bird last won the day on September 15

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About Bird Bird Bird

  • Birthday 01/02/1984

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    In your closet !

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Scalper rates everywhere unfortunately. And tbh, expected.
  2. I wish he could hover that long in the game.
  3. My experience with MX2 hasn't been great either. Kept me waiting for a long time for a Switch game which was supposed to be in stock.
  4. Oh dang. Flickr. Haven't been on that site in ages. The social interactivity is limited.
  5. Adding to this (specially Tinykin and HiFi Rush): Psychonauts 2 The Plucky Squire New Super Luckys Tale
  6. Amazing. You can do something similar at Sikkim - no trekking needed but you need to get up super early and head to Hanumantok in Gangtok, and you'll see the most epic sunrise on Mt. K2. https://www.instagram.com/p/BO0JmoTBlAD/?igsh=cGZ2eTY5eHVtY3Jn
  7. Yup. Samsung looks broader but is sh*t. Don't get samsung.
  8. Samsung is crap. We have a ~ 600 lt one, rubbish. Breaks every year. LG appliances have been decently OK for far.
  9. Man, I hope these are proper levels and not just speedrun/side levels.
  10. But blinkit/their site/Amazon are mostly always 20% off on flavored ones and unflavored isolate is ~ 8-10% off.
  11. WT is quality stuff. Multiple testing reports by independent channels in YouTube, I think even by the PFC club guy (Chirag).
  12. Possibly the best brand of protein you can get atm. Clean, original stuff from their site and Amazon/Blinkit etc.
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