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DinJo last won the day on September 18 2023

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About DinJo

  • Birthday 03/31/1984

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  1. Anyone has recommendation for laptop for light work mostly connecting remote session. Need a good screen budget less than 60k screen must be > 15.6 inches
  2. Did a demo ot Samsung s9 ultra as no one had s9 plus I found the ipad air 13 to be much better in reading comics Will see if there any offers available
  3. Asking again any way to get sbi credit card for free
  4. I went to check in and to my surprise apple bank offers has ended yesterday with no offers currently active apart from store discount. And isn't jiomart safe for electronic
  5. Image does not have any discount apart from bank discount. Which resellers provide student discount?
  6. iPad Air 13 128 GB Will compare S9+ and iPad Air 13 128 GB
  7. Also is Vijay sales good to purchase ipad only they have 5% off plus 4000 bank discount
  8. Thanks I already have 9.7 ipad 6th gen With Samsung s9 plus you have more rectangle shape vs the square of ipad. I don't plan to watch much on device but which one would give bigger font text for reading
  9. Anyone has ipad 13 how does comics looks on it vs s9 plus tablet?
  10. Just completed reading this great fun where there is a land where no one can die.
  11. I found that the voice to be very thin from soundbar.
  12. There is huge difference in 700c and 800c don't go for 700c
  13. Finally was able to setup hyperion using it for non drm apps it works great
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