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Everything posted by Takeda

  1. Reviews on 24th? Last date of pre order? I have a friend who wants to buy it but he want to see Reviews first
  2. T2 fires 600 employees and then CEO doubles his pay.
  3. Wut idk. I doubt they will do that with mods. Community will riot
  4. Use mods. There are lot of them on Console and PC.
  5. Diablo 4 and playing definitive version of HZFW on PC
  6. Typical ponies. Changing narrative to their convenience Btw how many of u bought the game here?
  7. Pony logic - If Xbox game gets 80 Metacritic score then its bad. Reason- Xbox fanboys were hyping the game and excited for the game. If Sony game gets 70 Metacritic then it's fine. Its a good game since no one was excited for it. Waah. To all ponies. Keep same energy folks
  8. Yeah but still I would have preferred a performance mode. I guess this game is more like those Sony exclusives where graphics and story get more priority than gameplay. Iam not at all hype about this game but i will play it via GP.
  9. If this game gets low review score. I will defend this game with my pony bretherens.
  10. Yeah sure no one hyped this game. Hum sab andhey hai. No pony hyped this game. When Sony game fails - No one hyped this game or No one expected to be any good.
  11. Yup. Fantastic Also its boosting Fallout 76 https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/fallout-76-hits-an-all-time-player-count-record-on-steam-following-the-fallout-tv-series-on-amazon-and-the-other-games-are-spiking-too/
  12. I have not even played those 2 games let alone defending or fapping over them. I can call trash games trash unlike ponies.
  13. I also started it on PC. Looks fantastic. Playing on High. Ultra causes frame rate drops for me even with DLSS.
  14. Oh now its user reviews. Hopefully ponies here are playing this game as well coz i see no activity in this thread apart from ponies who defending it without even playing it.
  15. Well it's Ubisoft. What do you expect. Face must be designed by Sweet Baby Inc folks. Game looka good. Im looking forward to it.
  16. Dont expect high scores. Woke website will score it down. All these big websites got lot woke transgender reviewers and they hate girls with attractive female characters.
  17. Played the demo. Loved it Preordered Deluxe Edition.
  18. Game is using full feature set of extremely demanding UE5. They dont want to compromise on visual fidelity by adding performance mode. Creative decision. That said I would have preferred 60 fps mode with lower visual settings. I dont like when devs focus on graphics details over performance.
  19. Surprised no pony posted Metacritic score for this game. I wonder why Dayone bola tha maine. Game looks medioce and its nothing more than poor man's Ghost of Tsushima
  20. Apni story bata raha hai? Are you telling everyone your biography here?.You just make statement accusing other people with nothing to back it up. As far crocodile tears are concerned then i don't shed any tear for any gaming studio. Let me be very clear, i dont care about gaming industry or any ddeveloper. Xbox can go out of business tomorrow along with MS and nothing will change in my life. But im pretty sure, you will cry or might go in depression if PS goes down tomorrow You too attached to plastic box im not.
  21. Stop bringing political and legal stuff in thread. Talk about jiggle physics only here.
  22. This was your response Benji sales tweet of SoT topping pre orders tweet. Life is good now coz you get to play same games that ponies like you always bashed on social media? L after L. You are L master. Seer par likh le apney. L leta hoon main daily basis par
  23. I never denied it. They will eventually ditch hardware completely. More games will come, i have no doubt on it. It will be funny to watch, same Xbox exclusive ponies bashed will end up becoming top seller on PS store and they all will start liking em all of sudden Gamepssd fodder is most pre ordered game. Ponies love making fool out of themselves.
  24. Where and when did i said it? Prove it. Coming with random nonsense to prove your point? When you have no solid argument to make, so you start making bizzare argument again?. Dont digress from topic by making dumb claims and arguments. Main point is 6yr old Xbox game is beating PS exclusives on PSN store. Ponies like you, Ch**4Life and other ponies called SoT gamepass foddrr on social media and now its beating your exclusives with ez. This is making you mad deep inside, so you coming up with nonsense. Bhai Sea of theives jab GOW,:R ko beat karega fir tu kya karega?
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