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Everything posted by Ne0

  1. Pardon my ignorance, but aren’t consoles sold at a loss and isn’t profits in console business mostly driven by royalties received from sales of third party games being released on it ? If so, then even if fp games sell well, there’s no guarantee that it increases the overall console division profits. FP games might sell well and bring in revenues but I think the purpose for which they were built by console manufacturers was mainly to drive adoption rate and thereby increase TP game sales. Along with the exorbitant costs involved in building quality AAA games and stiff competition for marketshare of TP game sales (they still might sell more on PS, but a chunk of the profits is now taken by gamepass and PC as well), I think it kinda explains that Sony wants to cut costs in their fp studios.
  2. Started DmC5 since it’s going away from ps extra next month, but what’s up with all the micro transactions nonsense lol , defeated in a boss battle and the game gives a link to buy an orb from ps store to revive…. 😂
  3. It’s 411 with taxes. Also, ms 1p offerings might be weak compared to Sony/Nintendo, but the gamepass library is pretty solid compared to ps extra. PS extra is useless if you’ve played Sony 1p games already. I got ps extra sometime in Aug, mainly to play some 1p games I missed like GoT, but not many good 3p games get released there. Gamepass has many 3p games released on day one like cities skylines 2, like a dragon, atomic heart etc. pc+ps is the best combo currently, but if you don’t have a pc, and could buy only one of the consoles, Xbox is more vfm simply because of the extensive library available on gamepass.
  4. Yep, many movies have loop holes /plot holes and stuff, animal also happens to have a whole lot of them…. I understand it’s fiction and all that, but it should’ve some semblance of sense right ? I mean we are not in 80s anymore
  5. So it’s dunki and salaar for New Year’s Eve ? I guess I’ll wait and watch both on OTT !
  6. Not to mention how conveniently the movie ignores this incident, like RK’s character announces something inside his factory and it becomes TV worthy news, he literally kills like 200+ people in broad daylight in a posh hotel all everyone is worried is his recovery 😂 logic -> <- Bollywood
  7. More than double dip, I think they want to avoid piracy. As they release one game in 5-10 years time frame, they need it to sell like millions to simply break even !!
  8. I saw it over the last weekend and yeah even I felt the character of RK was not properly built. He comes off as a complete hypocrite when he keeps complaining of daddy issues when he is a sh1tty father and a husband himself. Many scenes seemed to be made just for shock value (like that scene where he walks naked in front of his family). Also I felt his character needed some psychiatric care more than his daddy’s validation ! BTW, that whole Arjan valley action sequence seemed ripped right out of old boy , looks as visceral as the original, but still a copy 🫤
  9. The trailer looks insane. If this level of graphics is on regular ps5 and not some super secret pro kit shared exclusively with rockstar games, then I guess this would be like the best looking game for this gen. Even beats cp2077 which I felt was the best looking game in this gen until date ! also still 2 years for the game to release 😭 ps: I know they are unrelated games, but no motivation to play starfield after seeing this trailer lol 😂
  10. Ne0

    Cyberpunk 2077

    This is awesome. Any other company would’ve released this with so many improvements as a sequel. I was planning to start another play through after 2.0 patch, but will wait now for more updates. Maybe will wait for few more months to see what else they improve !! Also, can only imagine how the sequel is gonna be if it’s going to be with all these improvements and more ! Might include a third person view ?
  11. I joined this forum when I was a bachelor and had bought a new x360. Was looking for a place to discuss hints and tips to beat the boss in geow lol speaking of playing video games as a hobby, apart from family/work related stuff, there’s ott content which keeps adding new stuff which occupies a lot of my free time and with ps extra and pc gamepass, it does feel like too much content but too little time. I’ve evolved as a person but video games have still stuck with me , albeit taking much smaller slice of my free time than they used to. Pandemic / wfh kinda helped me reboot my interest to some extent. I do feel the excitement has come down though. I no longer care for playing games on day 1 (actually avoid it considering how bug infested games are on launch these days). I play far lesser no hours than I used to, maybe 6-7 hours per week (many days I don’t start my ps5 at all). I don’t replay games these days to try multiple endings (I think cp 2077 was an exception but it got so many patches it kept me coming back just to see what has changed), I mostly play on easy/normal and try to complete the main quest as much as possible. Overall, I think It’s still a good way for me to de stress and clear my mind and get a bit of “me time” amidst all the hustle/bustle of life, and I hope I don’t get completely bored of it anytime soon
  12. Ne0


    Finally completed the side quest on Cassiopeia mainly to shut up Sarah. I mean every other line of her dialogue was related to the quest. She nagged to the point where I was like ok fine let’s go and be done with this side quest !! * Every Trade gear * Hey Sarah, Sarah: Do we have all things to go to Cassiopeia ? *When try to equip better gear * Hey Sarah, Sarah: Next stop Cassiopeia I presume ? imagine listening to one of the two the above lines every time you start a conversation with her
  13. Ne0

    Spider-Man 2

    May not be specifically combat, but there were so many things that Spider-Man game could’ve improved compared to the first game (not that it was bad by any stretch of the word, I found it better than batman games). I haven’t played spidey 2 yet, but i would’ve wanted better open world with lot more interactivity, I mean research cool gadgets and tech as Peter Parker, build relationships/gather clues etc and fight baddies as Spider-Man and give the player the option to change between the two on whim. I would also have wanted better puzzle solving, side quests , more engaging activities to explore the city etc. I would’ve even loved a timed pizza delivery mini game just for fun (remember the opening scene of the older Tobey maguire - spidey 2?). Best ex is the horizon series, zero Dawn was good, but forbidden west took all the good elements and upgraded every aspect of the gameplay including the open world interactivity, side quests, activities, upgrades etc. If you see, at the core, Aloy still uses bow/arrow, but there’s a significant visible change in the gameplay compared to the predecessor , everything from fighting big machines to riding tall necks to unlocking overrides are overhauled for the better. Same with gow, compared to the Greek trilogy, the Viking series allowed a limited open world to allow kratos to choose quests at his own pace, good side quests, option to choose between axe and blade of chaos , various armour types and even a Buddy to fight alongside Kratos. Spider-Man might shoot webs and swing using them and the core game play would revolve around that but the possibilities to improve upon that simple mechanic are endless ! But from what I read online, the game has not really improved gameplay (not specifically combat) significantly compared to first !
  14. Ne0


    Man I really despise this approach of releasing half completed products, I think best is to just play games after 6 months of launch!!
  15. Ne0


    Are you playing on steam ? On game pass still don’t see this update !
  16. Ne0


    Thanks guys. I feel it’sa good game, but a missed opportunity to be a great game. I think instead of going the ‘No man’s sky’ way with ~1000 planets, maybe, limiting the scope to a couple of well developed star systems with a dozen or so planets with good variety and depth would’ve been better.
  17. Ne0

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Woah man, you’ve spent close to 500 hours ! Just out of curiosity, how many hours per day/week do you spend on playing video games ? I started my second play through after patch 1.6 but stopped when 2.0 patch was announced thinking I’ll resume it after the new changes come in. But now I see that they have revamped the whole skill tree and many other parts of the game and I found it quite difficult to continue from where I left off. Looks like I might have to start a new play through from the beginning !
  18. Ne0

    Far Cry 6

    Ok, so completed this game yesterday. I think it took me some 50 - 60 hours to complete the main story with some side activities / side quests etc. I installed it as part of PS+ Extra, and honestly speaking, I was expecting a complete snoozefest of a game and thought I would be uninstalling it in a couple of days. But the game took me by surprise, and I went on to complete it. There were still some side activities / treasure hunts / side quests etc., which I didn't complete (there's even a new game+ mode after completing the main story) While the game retains much of its gameplay from its predecessor, it does change things up a bit with the main story narration. There are proper cut scenes with some really good voice acting and performances. The main villain Castillo is one of the best in the series (perhaps one of the best in all of FPS styled games), and the story has some decent twists to keep it interesting (as long as you remember its a FPS video game, not some movie). The protagonist Dani is also very well written, and is a welcome departure to see your character talk and emote in cut scenes instead of just watching everything in FP. The Yaran stories (equivalent to side quests) are much better too with some interesting characters and some decent (sometimes hilarious) sub-plots. Even the treasure hunts are very well done , requiring some decent puzzle solving. Graphics is some of the best I've seen in this PS5 gen. The fictional island of Yara looks so damn beautiful with pristine blue beaches, thick lush jungles and small towns (although the towns are devoid of much NPC's - the game gives some explanation of curfew or something like that). The map is freakishly large and the game offers a multitude of vehicles from boats to bikes to cars and horses to travel by road, helis, wingsuits and parachutes to fly and even ample safe houses and liberated checkpoints & outposts to fast travel. It even allows you to airdrop at a liberated checkpoint / outpost / safe house and wingsuit to the destination (I really loved this approach). Gameplay wise, at its core, the game doesn't deviate much from the predecessor - farcry 5. The similar gameplay loop continues here - capture & liberate checkpoints, liberate the beautiful country of yara from its evil dictator - Castillo, region by region after defeating the main boss in the region and finally a showdown with the main villain. But it does it so much better than the prev farcry games. The gameplay is fantastic despite being repetitive. Taking over a checkpoint or a outpost without being detected / triggering alarms gives an immense satisfaction / sense of accomplishment. The game has a lot of varied gears and weapons suiting different play styles and many of them can be modified with attachments. The resources for crafting these can be purchased or can be acquired by completing various activities / side quests. There are a lot of unique weapons (called yaran weapons or something like that) which are pre-modded weapons (similar to farcry 5), and finding them itself is like a mini side game. The resolver weapons are a nice addition as well to keep the gameplay interesting (although I ended up using only a couple of them mostly). The game even allows to have multiple loadouts and the player can switch the load out anytime (even in the middle of a thick battle), while some people might be put off by this (as it defies logic), I loved it, video games are supposed to be fun after all !! To sum it up, I found it to be a pretty good game. It may not be the GOTY or anything, but I never got bored as there was always something interesting to do in the game and I had great fun playing it. Its one of those games, which I could pick up after a long day , play for some 20 mins and switch it off (doesn't require much context or dedicated time etc).
  19. Ne0


    Ok, been playing this game for the past few days, clocked in around 18 hours, here're some early impressions : Cons: - This is not a open world game. If you are someone who came to the game looking for an open world adventure game set in space, you are in for a huge disappointment. The game is more of a "yakuza" style game, where you've small sections of the map which can be explored, but to move from one section to the next, you need to use fast travel (a.k.a loading screen). - The graphics goes from 'wow' to 'bad'. For ex, I landed on Mercury and it had gorgeous views, while new atlantis seems so bad with low-fi textures. - The loading screens are abundant and irritating, makes you feel like playing a 10 year old game. There's a loading screen to go from base of the ship to cockpit, a loading screen to enter a building and so on. Many high rise buildings have elevators - which means - you guessed it, more loading screens to move from one floor to another. This really breaks the experience IMO, especially if you are coming from playing a game like cp 2077 or farcry 6 where you can traverse the whole map without a single loading screen ! - At its core, the game does play like skyrim / fallout set in space at times (albeit a greatly improved version of them). The same stupid immersion breaking things like you can fall asleep on a bed in the middle a quest or your companion will start to ramble on about some random topic in the middle of a quest, when you try to interact with them to trade gear etc. These were tolerable perhaps in the FO/Skyrim era, but with games like RDR 2 or The Witcher setting new benchmarks , these mechanisms seem very dated and feel like baggage that was carried mainly due to the limitations of the engine. - Also, forget about cars or any other means of transportation apart from space ships. Humanity has reached space, but apparently everybody walks around in these newfound planets (there's a train in new atlantis, but again that's just a mask for loading screen). And I dont understand the point of investing in building a cool looking space ship, as most travel happens via menus and you see the ship only while landing / taking off. - Space warfare so far has been absolute nightmare , the ship given early game is hard to control and most of the time I feel like I'm playing a 2D arcade shooter game. Not sure if it gets better once the character levels up in the related skills. Pros: - The writing / narration is solid. The game has hours upon hours of dialogue and for people who like to explore and understand the world, the game world is very well built. RPG mechanics (while it looks simple) are decent. I felt its kinda similar to skyrim, where you increase the skills which you mostly use. - Many quests are character driven like in prev skyrim/fo games, and the quests are mostly intersting thanks to the interesting characters that are part of it. - Just like skyrim /fo games there are so many ways to complete a quest. I've invested in persuasion tree, thanks to which I was able to complete some of the quests with no combat whatsoever. - The core gameplay loop is pretty solid, which makes me keep coming back for it despite all the cons mentioned above. That skyrim feeling of "let me complete just one more quest" exists here too. - The planet hopping / exploration is neatly done. It does feel like being part of an exciting adventure to visit new systems, explore new planets etc (although you do travel to them mostly via menus/loading screens).
  20. Long time since I posted here, here're two of my purchases during the recent amazon sale 1. LG C2 42" , replacing my trustworthy LG 32" QHD monitor which I used with my PC for close to 3 years (give or take a couple of months). PQ is stunning, but I think 42" is too big for any productive office work, not to mention the screen gets insanely bright causing eye strain from a short distance. Using it mainly for media consumption from some 40" - 50" distance and its much easier on the eyes. Dolby vision tv shows/movies on Netflix or Apple TV (apple+) still gets quite bright though. Still fiddling around with the settings to find what works the best. Pairs well with my RTX 3060ti, enabled both VRR & HDR. Starfield gives a a good ~60fps at 4K with all maxed out. Cyberpunk goes down to 30 fps at ray tracing ultra and DLSS auto. Forza horizon can't handle 4K at 60 fps with extreme settings (keeps giving video memory is full error), so might need to tune that up a bit. Star field looks stunning on the display though. I had played some initial sections on my prev LG QHD monitor, but the difference in PQ between this and my prev monitor is striking. Akila city looks so damn gorgeous !! 2. Starfield controller, to play well - starfield Apart from the cool looking aesthetics, the controller has a very good rubber grip making it so easy / comfortable. Hard to go back to the regular controller after using this. Resubscribed to PC gamepass to play this game, thought will finish it in a month or so, but looks like this is gonna take close to 2-3 months to finish and there's cities:skylines 2 releasing soon as well on PC gamepass. So I think the sub is going to stay for some time.
  21. Tell me about it, I once commented on umrika’s handling of covid and how it could’ve been better in our office informal WhatsApp group and some nri’s got offended. I mean these guys have returned to India many years ago and are not even working there but somehow a comment on how something could’ve been handled better in their adopted country pissed them off ?
  22. Binged on ‘the romantics’ on Netflix. A documentary on Yash Chopra/Yash Raj films. The first 2 episodes were good and the last 30 mins of the final episode was quite emotional. The guy is truly a legend in Indian cinema. After watching the series,I felt that we often talk of Hollywood directors when we talk of cinema but give little to no credit to Indian directors who actually had such a huge role to play in taking our Indian cinema to an industry level ! Hopefully we get to see more series about such Indian cinema legends ! Also pretty ironical that his last movie was titled ‘jab Tak hai jaan !!
  23. Looks good but after having played the turn based gameplay of like a dragon, these brawler styles look a bit clunky :-/
  24. In my experience, getting job offers from a different domain is actually difficult via job portals as I think they use some keyword search to shortlist profiles. I tried switching from wireless networks sw development to cloud software development some 5 years back and most of the job offers that came my way at that time were mostly from the domain I already had expertise in. I got lucky and one came from the company I wanted to join for a different profile but the hr was kind enough to share my resume with another team who was willing to give me a chance. But I had to relearn all of my fundamentals to pass the interview and take a lower job grade when the offer came in. I guess you can reach out to your friends in that domain ( where you want to move into) and ask them to refer and see if that helps.
  25. I saw Avatar 2:the way of the water in regular cinemas in 3D as IMAX was mostly full over the last weekend. Was still blown away with the visuals. Just like the first movie, this is not high on story/plot or even characters. But I felt it was much better than it’s prequel in these aspects. Visually the movie is a benchmark, especially, the underwater sequences are breathtaking. I felt so immersed in the world of pandora for those 3 hours or so, very few movies felt this immersive to me !!
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