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GunnerY2J last won the day on October 24 2024

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About GunnerY2J

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  1. Isn't rumble winner supposed to main event mania. Jey is bad in the ring with a limited move set. Cena looked gassed out and the bald spot is looking so wierd. I'm hoping for punk vs Cody. Rollins and reigns can have a one on one.
  2. But such a lame winner. Zero interest in watching uso vs Cody/gunther.
  3. Or should I take ashwagandha instead? I don't think I'm lacking in the minerals.
  4. Does zinc magnesium help in promoting sleep ? Which supplement is good ? Anyone who knows this stuff.
  5. It's perfectly fine even if it's deliberate. I feel he meant to hit the ball towards him. Not for physically hurting him but just intimidating and dominating and making him go away and take away the pressure. Just like deliberate bouncers to the head are.
  6. Rohit sharma literally said : Aur crease me tik sakte the par Ladke naye hai, seekh lenge time se.
  7. How many overs left realistically? Given the time left for light ?
  8. 5 hours ago it was stated, it was either Australia winning or a draw. Even india from the start of their innings have been trying to draw. Now its obviously way more towards australia winning.
  9. The most embarassing and frustrating part is kohli getting out again to the same shots. How comfortable india would have been in the series if rohit and Kohli weren't in the team.
  10. Why is rabada scoring so sweetly, damn
  11. South Africa vs pakistan going down the wire. To the last wicket and run. Epic
  12. South Africa also now winning. So many close calls though This wtc so more interesting than any world cup
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